New AH house mount in the Bliz Store for $90 USD

Hahahhaaha cry me a river :joy:

no. not spending $90 on a mount. I have no problem using the AH in town or via a bank alt, like I have since 2007.

i have bought mounts before. i did buy the heart of the aspects mount when it was on sale for $12.

I tank m+ and it is the perfect mount to use in dungeons like dawnbreaker so the party can see where I am.

that isn’t why I bought it. I knew it was going to be a dragonflying mount and it is just purdy. the fact that it has utility is just bonus.

Dang, don’t know I would of gone that far but I give ya props for helping ya mates out.

(Sips :beer:)

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Thats not the point of this conversation.
The point is 132$ Canadian is an outrageous price for a MOUNT in a game. the expansion alone cost less money. AAAA games cost less money.
Hell groceries for a month, car insurance, utilities, etc cost less than a MOUNT

Oh… I already saw seven different ones in Dornagal just now.

I kept my TL4 through multiple suspensions, darling. I lost it when everyone else in the same boat did, a few months ago. But you can continue to believe what you want if it makes you feel special.

It’s bad form to continue a discussion from a deleted thread, though.

Well, we each try to get each other something ever year, but NONE of them would ever spend $90 for a mount, so I have the perfect gifts for Christmas!


Don’t pretend like you have the moral high ground in any discussion lmao


It is what it is. You can either complain about it or not.

I choose not to. Idc. It’s just a mount.

Cool beans. Tis a good thing to have good mates to journey with.

(Sips :beer:)

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You’re becoming more obnoxious than entertaining. Bye bye now.



But enjoy those that will or already did.

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Don’t forget the anniversary bundle if you want to spend more money. :slight_smile: :rofl:

Can I afford it? Yes.

Do I want to buy it? No, and I won’t.

Idc if it has an AH on it or not. It just doesn’t interest me.


Yeppers and I will be buying 5 of them at Christmas time. Cannot wait!

Only seven? Almost everywhere I go I see everyone riding it lmao

Just had a random big boi convoy event in tanaris.

nope, no interest. Not a mount collector.

Ah… a triggered fool…

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There’s already a ton. Blizzard has now learned not only will people pay $90 for a mount they will also defend Blizzard for selling it. Monetization is going to get worse from now on. I will never understand how people have this much disposable income. My family is out here having to cut back on damn near everything because of how expensive food has gotten meanwhile people have the money to blow $90 on a mount in WoW. I just don’t understand.