New AH house mount in the Bliz Store for $90 USD

Sadly no. In order to get that shiny new blue Phoenix mount that is in all the trailers for the Anniversary Event you need to complete a meta achievement and one of the sub achievements for that is “reacting” to Lorewalker Cho’s stories 50 times! You can only do that about 5 times per story and they happen only twice every hour so that comes out to 5 hours… lol. It’s only about 15 minutes out of the hour but you basically still have to wait around for that long.

Yes it is despicable, yes it is corporate greed but lets be honest 90$ is a steal.

The orignal’s cost was 5-6 times more without considering the in-game inflation.

I can guarantee you that this mount is going to be extremely popular and you will soon see more of this version than the original one.

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If the zones were actually good and huge I would totally buy this. Since this expansion has come out. I have spent 99% of my time in dorn AFK. The mount is not needed.

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Yeah you pay them to do so and that comes back to people doing the spending realizing it was not well spent. Again I reiterate you can never tell other people unsolicited that their money was not well spent. Just can’t do it

Sure you can. Anyone who buys this mount is spending their money stupidly. Period.

Ah - ok – well I think I’ll pass.
I have so many mounts I don’t use now.

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Game is in one of the buggiest messy states it’s ever been in and people climbing over each other to hand them $90. They deserve nothing more than what they are receiving with the current state of the game. GROSSSSSS

greed lol they’ll make thousands off this if not millions. just wish they added to the friggin anniversary so we can try n get as we like play the game? come on man lol

It’s like 20% of their paycheck but they live with Mom for free so it’s not an issue.

Yeah and I didn’t buy that one either


Im a furry. My shame doesn’t exist. :wolf:

But my cringe? I have in spades owo


Madness. …

I just did. World didn’t explode.

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Looks like the gloves are off now.

Blizzards greed is plain for everyone to see.

yooo its 132 CAD for me and add taxes i 151$ this is non sense !!! here in canada the goverment remove all flavor in cigars , it help kid to not start smoking … and this is legal … i know understand why crow are yellling in the morning

lmao…its my money to spend, “stupidly” or not.
Ive spent more than this to run a 4 hour round of golf, lmao…hobbies cost $$$.

you either pay for it or dont…but pathetically trying to insult others over it is really just a tantrum tossing 5 year old childs game.

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Yea, It reflects poorly, and I wonder how the team who worked on TWW feels about this.
Their collective work is worth less than a mount…

i am going to say this is dumb and wrong i remember the candy cigs and the bubble gum cigars and i did not go hey i want to use the real thing

People will pay:

$90 to get 3 days early access
$15/mo to play the game they paid $90 to access
$90 to buy an in-game mount just to get an AH and Mailbox added to it

Blizzard gets rewarded for its low effort, high greed notions every day. This just pushes that envelop a little further and shows how much they can get away with

Darn right it is, I spend money stupidly on occasion as well. If someone wants to judge me for it, well forget them.