New AH house mount in the Bliz Store for $90 USD

Not a chance. Expedition Yak and a quick hop to town cover it for free.

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Just decorative, I am changing my whole tree to be sweets themed so lots of cookies, candy, and ice cream cones.



To me, I can simply go to a major city and use their AH. Getting from point A to point B is extremely fast now.

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Like, its a cool mount, but I can’t justify paying 90 dollars for a SINGLE mount. At least with the 12 months if you decide to go that route (or in my/many other players cases, were already on that plan) you are getting multiple mounts across both Retail and Classic, but here… it’s just a gilded version of the original five-million mount from BFA.

For example, if they dropped the price to 25 dollars, Done. I would buy it in a heart-beat. But wanting 90 is just too much.

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The original one should have never been removed based on the precedent set by the Mammoth and Yak. But I love this move simply to make the heads of the people who supported the removal explode in rage.

With in-game gold, yes.
I haven’t spent a penny on warcraft since buying the WoD expansion pack.

Unfortunately the entire wow token system is broken right now due to high demand. So I’ll have to wait a few hours to overpay for my dinosaur.

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They changed that you can’t sell them anymore…

now for the real joy of owning this mount…getting a few players standing around using it and dropping it and flying away :rofl: :rofl:

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Especially when you’re a human and has two hearth charges to use. :smirk:

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Yeah it’s why I’m here :popcorn: bring on the comments :crazy_face:

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Best I can do is Tree Fiddy

I’m going to extract some in-game dino DNA from a prehistoric mosquito and create my own dino mount. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


It seems very stupid to do it as a store $ amount instead of a gold mount.

This will drive token prices up when it would be better for the game to drive them down.

I bought one instantly …now waiting for token price to go over 300k before instantly getting all the gold back I spent this expansion on profession crafting :slight_smile:

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I just checked and there are no tokens for sale :smiley:

To afford the original, you either went crazy on mission tables in WoD, or bought about 6x more than $90.00 in tokens to get the requisite gold. So for anyone who came after WoD, this is a straight-up 80% off sale.

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Yeah, yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn’t stop to think if they should.

Already did. I Almost bough enough tokens to= 5mil gold to get the old one that would have been $400+ this is MUCH cheaper.

Only way id buy it faster is if it had a Banker on it too

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give them more money this way, more people buying tokens to sell + people spending the 90$

I see no need for it. At least for me.

So hard pass.

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