New AH house mount in the Bliz Store for $90 USD

Remember 2 years ago when people thought trader’s tenders were the worst thing they could add to the shop. How far we’ve come since then. Lol.

Oh, it’ll be way more than that after people have had a struggle session at the AH trying to buy a single token for hours.

Eventually yeah, just right now can’t afford it. Maybe half with gold and half money to save.


No - not while the quality of the game is lower than ever.

Would be like eating at a restaurant and being served a bad meal with terrible service, then doubling down and buying the most expensive dessert.


A lot of us Classic Andy’s quit over store mounts and MTX during late Cata/MoP.

The people who stayed enabled this and made it more profitable than the StarCraft franchise.

In 2024 this kind of stuff is completely normalized.

I was so against this 14 years ago I quit the game. Now? Who cares. This is the industry standard now.

They are, but not for the reasons you mean.

Everyday we stray further from our lawds path.
I cant wait to shame all the IMPOSTERS AMONG US

What do you mean, that people who work 60 hours a week can’t spend 90 bucks on something they want and that you know better where they should spend it?

That is how it works.
From day 1.

We pay to play. If you’re “playing with gold” you’re paying it with your time, whether people like to admit it or not.

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Pretty much. As long as they don’t cross certain lines(Like same with FFXIV) it’s to the point I don’t flinch anymore when I see stuff like this.

if i was still the poor 20 year old working construction living paycheck to paycheck that i was 17 years ago…yes actually, but at 37, much more financially stable and savvy…hell no poor financial choices made on impulse like this are one of the driving factors for people staying poor

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Being proud of it is perfectly fine. In no world is it money well spent tho.

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:dracthyr_no1: :panda_face:


Oh, I gotcha, I mean yea I guess thats true but it’s my money, it’s some dummy buying tokens for gold. I dont much care how much money they make, but what I spend, and in this case it’s zero.

I never said you couldn’t. Don’t mistake me here. Buy whatever you want, when you want it. I’m just explaining why all of this is here with Blizzard.

And as long as it doesn’t become P2W like other games have I’ll keep playing WOW. And no before someone says something I don’t consider the token P2W or this mount

Yup. All that’s left of Blizzard is a skinner box. RIP

If they’ve done it for this expansion I’d say it was premeditated.

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The issue is, I am not sure many people have impulse control – especially today – which is why people have tons-o-credit card debt.


It cost more than a whole video game, but don’t worry people will still buy it moreover when it has unique qol you can’t get ingame.


Whoa there, Satan.

It’s Azstarys I’m responding to so I expect everything to be out of touch.