New AH house mount in the Bliz Store for $90 USD

Honestly, put this way the OG bruto is actually ridiculous at 5m. Blizzard’s practically giving this away!

…oh. Oh god. I’m coping. :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:


Don’t you badmouth my Grizzly Hills bear!!!

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we should remvoe ah from major cities

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Are you forgetting people doing gold caps for it in the BMAH?

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Yeah and while I get the complaining 100 percent sure and I won’t be buying the mount personally…People really need to wake up to the fact who is really enabling this.

just because of the number of jimmy’s it’d rustle i want it. Cause I’m a ball buster like that.

But, it’s just too massive. I don’t really care for big mounts.

Rumor mill is that friends are buying friends this mount, so I may ask a friend to get it for me, but I’ll let them keep it in their inventory.

Yep I will, just a matter of when I end up pulling the trigger. I have the OG one buuut I like that this one has the mail box. Now if only I could tame long bois as a hunter.

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Stop being poor in the video game and get your gold up. Problem solved

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yep already did, finally happy to have a brutosaur! i was always so bummed i couldnt get the other one before it went away, i love dinosaurs so much so it was an extra bad feeling there was no other option for a longneck. so happy to have one finally!


But the thing is, you had it for the last 4-5 years and were able to use it. So there’s that. People who didn’t buy it haven’t had the option at all.

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Fastest 90$ I ever spent.

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Well, what enabled this?

The removal of the OG Brutosaur from the game made people ask for it.
And people making fun of those that didn’t get it… now are getting the payback.

I don’t even need this mount.
But I most certainly am paying because: I can, and to upset people who cares about what others do lol.

I am pretty much there with you there. The bear is pretty cool I agree!

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I’m not. I bought that too!

I’m the idiot who buys mounts on the cash shop, and I’m not even ashamed to admit it. I work hard for my money, and I’ll spend it how I like.

I’m just saying, the bear doesn’t see much use by me, because I’ve been using the yak for so long. Whereas this will see a lot of use by me, since I didn’t get the original version.


This is a way better investment than Early Access. I don’t see the issue. Many folks don’t want to buy 40+ tokens to hawk the BMAH for this.

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Anyone who bought this should be ashamed of themselves

ooo so salty hahaha :joy:
i bought it and im proud of it, money well spent! xd
hope they put repair npc on it so i can celebrate 20 years of WoW for real! :sweat_smile:

yep and its still Time limited so if people dont get it now for 1.8m gold or the $90 then it falls back under peopple had a chance and missed out

Tokens are $20 per, offer $15 in BNet Balance, 6 is the minimum for the mount.
Buying it with gold equates to them getting $30 more.

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Just a friendly reminder, you aren’t buying anything. You are giving Blizzard 90 USD for the right to use the mount. Once WoW is gone your mount goes too.