New AH house mount in the Bliz Store for $90 USD

You actually need seven if you’re starting from 0 bnet balance and dont want to spend any of your own money, because of taxes.


Honestly I am more annoyed about the FOMO time limit.

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Why is that? People are at work. Are they gonna run out of pixels? I have a ton of gold i don’t care if token prices go up some.

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So what you’re telling me is now is the time for me to sell the tokens I bought.

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Already did.
Majority is buying it one way or another.

Dornogal is full of Brutossaurs right now the AH is empty.

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Nope, anyone who does is supporting blizzard putting out buggy garbage like this patch and expansion.

Also anyone who buys a mount that cost more then the actual price of the gameitself, is nothing short of a fool.

But as the saying goes, a fool is quickly separated from his money.


I’d hold just to see how high token prices jump.

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I might. We will see how well they fix their patch before I spend the money.

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Even if I wanted to I can’t afford it. I love being reminded that I’m poor in a video game I play to escape the fact that I’m poor.


Considering the sparkling horse made more money than all of SC 2…This was obvious from a long time ago.

Whelp, guess I’ll be avoiding that place for a few days. The lags already horrible when I go there.

So $192 instead of $150

I’m sold

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Nah, im going on vacation soon so can’t afford it. But im happy others are able to get it if they want it. I dont see a point in jumping on people for what they do with their own money, its just a mount in a game. Spoil yourself if you can, says I!


why? 1.8m gold is cheap

Also true.

I said I have no interest in the mount in another thread, but it didn’t occur to me at the time I can spend in-game gold. So…maybe. What else am I going to do with my hoard? Pay mechagnomes for uncomfortably sharp lap dances?

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I’m not even ashamed to say I bought it.

This is one that will actually get a lot of use from me, unlike the Grizzly Hills bear.

already did, worth it!

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This mount is EASILY making more money than Diablo 4 expansion.

No, but only because I don’t use the AH enough, not because I’m grandstanding or virtue signaling about how evil Blizzard is for putting it out there. I hope people buy it. I love buying store when I like them. I bought the bear and I love it.