In the background then. Wow, I wonder if that resets every season or something. That’s really going to add up.
would have to if not its going to be really funny reading the post lol
I can already see the posts about d/c’s causing someone to have a 24 hour debuff.
and knowing blizzard will have a fail safe in place you need to hit the accept button to get the de-buff and a fail safe with the faking the d/c players would do
“Rips out internet cord” oh no I disconnected.
lol later on the day why do i have a this debuff this high
blizzard steps in. in the last hr you had 50 disconnects
In all honesty this will not deter me from leaving. I’ll continue to leave when I get abused in solo shuffle. Actually I won’t even be solo shuffling cause how bad it is for healers. I’ll be doing blitz.
I imagine people will just afk rather taking a 30 minute debuff.
Yup, I knew people that would do that all the time, same with keys, they would get titled on one character, and then get tilted again on their alt. I think the best part is it will also start counting against their CR, which should make the short fuse betties shut up for once.
I really hope this doesn’t apply to PvE since I often give away free tank queues during TW weeks once I finish my 5/5. Costs me nothing if I am done playing and helps out my fellow players with their DPS queue. I just jump onto the next character and no debuff.
So you’re telling me it’s possible!
If they extend something like this to M+ I don’t see it going over very well at all - could be opening a can of worms since people don’t want to be stuck in 1-2 hour wipefests with bad players
I’m guessing they have more common sense than that though, too much potential for abuse
Does it stack though? Like if I keep leaving back to back will I have up to a day plus cooldown?
Stop leaving and accept the loss
You’ll be giving them ideas in the future
What if there’s a hall of fame leaderboard for most leaves and highest debuff timer? Imo that’d be a worthy goal!
Critical hit
make it a 24 hour buff account wide and that will fix everything
Unrated PvP should either have templates with a stat budget to be adjusted by the player or normalized distribution of players into non-faction teams (red vs blue etc). Queue with your friends and end up on different teams.
EVERYTHING need to be Bnet account wide, including raid lock outs and conquest etc caps.
Shouldn’t be beneficial to make 1 char per class spec(i.e 3 priests 1 shadow 1 holy 1 disc)
Up the caps on stuff and increase warband items ilvl if needed, but stop making playing multiple characters more efficient.
Now let’s add this buff to mythic+ dungeons too.