To all of those PVP’ers who leave BG’s because you don’t like losing, Welcome to ACCOUNT WIDE deserter buff! This time you will leave but will not be able to get back into PVP on any of your characters.
A major PvP change in this week’s Beta development notes, the stacking deserter debuff applied by leaving a Solo Shuffle or Battleground Blitz match is now account-wide, preventing players from requeuing on any character for the duration!
The stacking deserter debuff “No-Show” that is applied when leaving a Solo Shuffle or Battleground Blitz match is now applied account wide (was character specific).
Intended to dissuade players from leaving losing matches, the debuff also comes with a rating penalty, though does warn players of the consequences.
Those who excessively leave matches early are also subject to account review and suspensions, as abandoning matches repeatedly is a violation of the terms of service via exploiting functionality to the detriment of the game environment and the intended player experience.
Were people really leaving BGs and swapping characters to do more BGs to begin with? I feel like you would just either log off, or do something for 30 mins till deserter was gone
I am not sure why it has taken so long to be account wide. It should also be stacking. First one = 30 mins. second one = an hour. third = two hours. Deserter applies to someone who leaves pretty quick, it doesnt take much to hang out for 5 mins THEN leave.