New 9.1 PvP Gearing System

Anyone got a good legion p serv

If PVP gear scale up by 30 ilvl in pvp combat, it should scale down by 30ilvl outside of pvp combat.

Both side win with this version.

They already tried that and players threw a temper tantrum over templates also.

And why did players threw temper tantrum over it?

Source :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::triumph::triumph::neutral_face::neutral_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

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Wow this guy hates pvp if thats the way you see things. Its not the minority who hates the current system. It is very much the majority.

When I say majority, I mean the people who actually play pvp. You not playing pvp and thinking this is good for it - you are the minority. No one who pvps wants the current system. Those who do are far and few in-between. Do not attempt to be willfully ignorant.

Mythic raiders should never have gear that is better in instanced pvp than people who have only pvp gear.

I’m not attacking you. Just quoting what you said and adding to it. Its highly laughable how many times PvE has had gear, trinkets, weapons, at least one or two items per season that when obtained in heroic or mythic actually trumps pvp gear giving those people an advantage over people who only pvp. Incredibly sort sighted on Activisions end. Should never be the case. As you also stated, PvP gear should never be better in PvE content compared to the PvE gear. Im not sure why its hard for both Activision and some few loud PvE players to want that to be in place.

You can work your way up the ladder without needing a significant boost from gear. Any GOOD player will tell you this. You make it sound like only bad players want an equal footing. Simply far from the truth.

Ironically both of those expansions were quite terrible regarding how good PvP gear was in PvP. Its a shame you didn’t play MoP or WoD as those iterations were the best. For everyone.

No rating gating. (Biggest plus right there)
1 honor set. No upgrades.
1 conquest set. No upgrades.
Gear disparity is hardly existent. As an rpg, its fine if people have a little bit more power because they have conquest over honor. However, the conquest gear needs to be obtainable by everyone.

There was, like today a catch up mechanic. Unlike wrath and tbc. Good luck gearing alts in those xpacs. Simply didn’t happen as frequently.

You’re beyond clueless even now. You probably couldn’t even break 1400 without getting carried by your gear.

Since you don’t pvp now, I’ll let you in on something that’s been happening for a while. People get 1800/2100 gear from one bracket and trash on players in another bracket. Artificially raising the requirements to climb while simultaneously deflating the ladder. This is not healthy for the game. Since you are painfully clueless, I figured I would help you understand that a little bit better.

Actually so far off. I purely pvp and I say… Stop. Lying. To. My. Face. It makes you look terrible.

I dont quite understand people who don’t pvp acting like they have a leg in the race. It only stunts the pvp scene. Seriously cancerous. (Again only adding some of my thoughts to your points as I continue to agree with them)

Would be a based system. Arena already offers a lot of cosmetics. Though the elite sets are lackluster because they all look the same for the armor types. I miss having a paladin specific elite set. I dont really care for an elite set that every plate user gets. Really kills the immersion and rpg elements of elite cosmetic rewards.

I didn’t play legion much, but my understanding is people where upset that you could not customize or itemize your template. If the template gave you mastery despite crit being your best stat, your getting bent by Activision.

Again I didn’t play legion much, but paladin mastery for Holy in pvp is actually terrible and probably the worst stat in the game. If templates gave holy paladins mastery as their main off stat, we would either need waaay to much, or we’d be in a terrible place.

Templates were fine for most classes. Allow us to pick what stats we want on the template and I honestly think it would probably even Trump wod gearing.


No. the druid is completely right. The only people who don’t like the system are pve’ers because for some reason pvp gear is really good in pve and they will pay tons of gold for carrying so there are endless pvp carries going on. This is the real issue. There is a small minority of pvp’ers who whine they can’t get better item level gear because they need to get good, if they’re stuck at 1400 they’re at the rating where they belong.

Are PvP’ers who want to compete without gear disparity. Also people who have alts. Bringing in an alt and getting dumpstered at 1200 mmr because someone who is 2100 in RBGs (You, me, and everyone else because RBGs are FREE rating) on your sub 180 itlvl alt isn’t fun.

I can win a lot of games and probably get to 14/1600 in 200 itlvl gear. I also have 2600 experience in 3v3. What about the people who only have 2k arena experience? What about the people who have even less?

Gear disparity is a huge issue in the pvp community. You either got boosted to your free 2100 rating or you are down right trolling so you can have some unfair advantage in arena. You’re not good just because you win a game because you had better gear. Likewise, you might not be bad just because you lost a game due to gear disparity.

The higher rated players already sit their mains. Imagine being 3k rated and having a renown of 14. Clearly those players didn’t play with the gear disparity we have now. Only people who think that cheesing to higher ratings because of gear is good design. It’s not. It’s time to stop trolling and put in a real gearing system. One with a proven track record.

Bring back WoD gearing


Wow someone’s triggered and obviously hasn’t looked at my past achievements. Sorry, since I only pvp I don’t pay for boosts, that’s something I can only see a pve’er caring about because otherwise the community finds out you were boosted and you become a laughing stock. I have been hard stuck 2200 for months in rbgs. If it’s free rating to you then why is your highest rating only 2100? You should be 2400 by now if it’s free rating. At 2200 mmr you are constantly queueing against r1 rbg’ers or teams full of glads. And if the gear disparity is so bad then why are you in full duelist gear but low rated in both 2s and 3s?


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Don’t mistake me being real with being triggered. That’s laughable at best.

You’re not the only one affected by this. Quit acting special.

Because i unfortunately help sell boosts because its highly lucrative and there is no reason to get my rating higher. 3mill to boost someone from 1600 to 1800 is a lot of money. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.

Not even close. Been queing at 2k-2400 mmr and there are hardly any r1s in that because they are all already sitting.

Because i play with real life friends. I’ve done my time, gotten good, and had my fun. Now i want to play casually. 2100 in RBGs is casual btw. I try to play this game for relaxation. I don’t need to sweaty it up like i used to.

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Okay, I sell carries for gold too, which is why my 2s rating is only 1600. There are plenty of noobs who wish to be carried to 1400 and 1600 for gold (or maybe I think they’re hot so I carry them for free). If you’re playing casually then I don’t see why the gearing even matters to you. Also I am literally told by players who are 2400 that it’s very common at 2200 mmr to queue into teams full of glads or r1 rbg’ers. It sounds like after you hit 2100 in rbgs you just stopped doing them

It matters more to my friends, to be completely honest. My 1600 first time friends HATE losing to someone who backpeddles but has 2100 gear from RBGs

Edit cause i hit enter accidently: I also have 2 other paladins i grind rating on with friends as well. I don’t revolve around selling boosts. This game is fun, but it has many issues. Gearing doesn’t need to be one of them

If someone is losing to someone who backpeddles that means they need to get good. That has nothing to do with gear. Also it sounds like you’re just trying to bash the rbg community since supposedly their rating just ‘doesn’t count’. Some people actually enjoy pushing in rbgs and I wouldn’t say getting 2400 or hero is easy, unless you’re already of high xp, then maybe it’s easy to you. And I said you were ‘triggered’ because you think I’m a troll for some reason

S2/S3 glad so I’m pretty dang sure I’d be fine, but thanks for the concern bub. Lol.

Pretty sure that’s more of a problem with Blizzard’s broken rating system for RBGs / RBG Andy’s streaming into Arena. Not really a fundamental problem with the system itself.

Again, Blizzard could probably close up the gap somewhat with ilvls (halve the ilvl jumps), but this idea of a flat ilvl curve is laughable. It’s never really been received that well - people say they want it, but after they get their OP welfare gear they quit the game. The psychology of the majority of players is that want progression in this game rather than fair competition. It’s the same reason why ratings start at 0 now rather than 1500, because players don’t want to be told they’re below the curve, they want to start from the absolute bottom and progress upward from there, even if the end result tells them they’re below the curve, because at least they “progressed” to the point they’re at.

That’s fine, I just don’t want my ilvl gimped when I use PvP gear for PvE.

How else am I gonna get my Haste/Vers Necklace without its ilvl getting gimped? No dungeons or raids drop Haste/Vers Necklace and crafting can only go up to 200.

It’s a stupid change on PvE side. It scaling up for PvP doesn’t matter to me.

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So yes, but no. There are countless games lost because someone had 32k hp and the enemy team had all 3 players with 40k. That’s a huge difference. Yes, they can play better. Yes, there is room for improvement. However, think about the mentality of it all.

Who wants to play a game where you know that at least 30% of your games are guaranteed to be an uphill battle.

I like rbgs. There is however no mistaking that RBGs are more casual friendly. The more players on your team, the more room for error there is. You don’t need to be excessively good to get higher rating in RBGs than arena.

I don’t believe a 1800 player in RBGs would be an 1800 player in arena. Rewarding the same item level gear is insane. Nothing against RBG players. I don’t hate the player, i hate activision for dropping the ball on this one.

To me, seeing someone else above 2k in any bracket saying that the gear disparity is a good and healthy design just doesn’t make sense. It gives activision an opportunity to keep making things worse when people agree with their bad system design.

In PvE, power growth is necessary for character growth. It makes people feel stronger. in PvP, we don’t need the incentive to feel stronger. We need the incentive to want to be better. There is little incentive to want to be better. It kills the casual populace and makes pvp more dead than it needs to be. When people are not having fun, because its quite clear as day it’s not fun to lose to someone with 10k more hp, they quit.

When they quit, less people que. When less people que, que times become longer. Inherently unhealthy for the game.

Since you’re being like this i’m going to call out those pre-season achievement dates

And no, the changes don’t fix what’s wrong with pvp. there should not be rating tied to gear ilvl. There should only be one tier of conquest
The end


Related note, it cracks me up that Nathria has two high mastery necks and no other necks in the raid. The itemization in SL Season 1 and specifically Nathria is so friggin bad. There aren’t shoulders that even upgrade my Shaman because the only mail shoulders in the entire raid tier are high mastery and mastery is 33% worse than any other stat.

Overly narrow loot tables and 10 bosses for the raid tier is kind of a joke. I wish they’ve make wider loot tables but bring back bonus rolls - you’d get more loot overall, but less likely to get the loot you want, which means more marginal upgrades, more player agency, more satisfying BIS when you finally attain it, etc.

“You think you don’t, but you do”.

Like, to be honest, I’m personally as a player in the “Arena should be a level playing field” mindset when I play the game against other players, but the simple fact of that matter is the wider player base is not. Player behavior of the player-base as a whole betrays their true feelings towards the manner - people play PvP longer when PvP has progression, and drop off the game when it has a flat curve that is quickly geared through and completed. These are just facts.

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Okay I got 2k in arena and duelist during the active season in arena, and that’s when the pvp gearing system was even worse than it is now, you know, forcing you to pve for gear which was the only way to get good gear at the time. I also got it with a B tier spec during BFA which was shadow. Sorry I’m not a 2400 player in rbgs like you, but I got 2100 in arena just like you did last season. So I’m not entirely sure where you’re going with that. I’ve been more focused on rbgs than arena this season. The fact you’re defending back peddling as a 2400 player is quite funny. But sure we could go back to WoD style gearing. I could care less if they did. However I don’t see that happening any time soon