New 6-month promo

Once again, my forgetful nature earns me a free mount.

Meh, I pay for my sub because the prices are better. If they want to give me a free mount every now and then, I’m totally ok with it.

You can totally get this mount without spending a penny. Buy tokens with gold, then convert that gold to blizzard balance. Then buy the mount, it’s been also added separately from the 6-months promo.

There’s a lot of gold makers on youtube if you need help making gold.

So, you draw the line at mounts but you’re ok with cash shop transmog?


Sea dragons actually do look funky like that. They’re pretty cool

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I’ve honestly never done it myself, so I don’t know. I had friends that used to do this stuff without software— because none of them were tech savvy enough to figure all that out. lol

Looks like a big mana wyrm to me. The armor on the mount even looks like it has a blood elf theme.

You don’t seem to mind using cash shop transmog though :wink:

This isn’t an attack or anything btw, I just thought it was funny, and I don’t mind cash shop stuff anyway :slightly_smiling_face:

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You seem to think that I realized the scam until I thought about it some more. Gratz.

How is it a scam? You pay for a cheaper sub option and got a nice transmog set for free, I might buy that particular set myself eventually.

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I guess kind of like the one on the promo material:

The ones in game didn’t really look that close:

So you get a mount, you still pay full price for the sub, and they make millions off you for riding a mount around. Basically you’re being used as free advertisement, under the guise of “Free stuff.”

I would rather have the tabard than that mount on retail, myself.

That’s an interesting idea that I hadn’t thought of before, but I doubt that’s their intent. I think it’s more likely that they’re trying to entice more people to select a longer sub rather than only subbing for a month or two and then unsubbing again, sort of like a more refined version of the Diablo 3 / Tyrael’s Charger promotion.

Either way I would be curious to see how cash shop sales numbers from before they started giving them to 6-month subs compares to current sales numbers (I know they would never publicly release that data though).

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Why is it gorged on my nethers. NSFW!

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Yeah, before my issue with cash shop wasn’t as severe. But it dawned on me watching a few streamers and people asking about it, and then it clicked. It most likely acts as you stated, and in the other way which I stated.

I doubt they would release that info either. But if I’m going to be advertisement I/we should at least get something out of it, seeing as they’re making a fat profit off me/us lol.

So… This mount looks like it should have been given alongside the Blood Elf Heritage Armour.

Meh. I’m not a huge fan, but either way these “promotional” items always seem suspiciously like something that should have been included as part of something else.

this. i’ve got a wrath era tcg mount that i’d love to be able to use without feeling pressured to buy a 6mo sub

already had the tabard, so this is kind of a slap to the face imo

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imagine buying a 6 month sub for the mount and never using it in dragonflight until your already burnt out on the expansion. we all know why they never gave a date when we can use regular flying because they already know its going to tick people off. i have to pass and this why i can never take blizz seriously.

bruh that mount is soooo blatantly blood elf centric. that should’ve just been a horde mount obtainable in-game.

It was apparently the supposed heritage mount.
Very bad move from Blizzard.

I use them if I like them and can make a good mog to go with them.

I love this weird looking sea weed dragon thing, so now to try and match a mog to it.

You don’t get that transmog set for a 6 month sub, you got the murloc egg. So that user, still find their name a slur so won’t type it, paid full price for it.