I’d reckon people will have buyers remorse when the economy starts tanking, its pretty common. It isn’t meant to say “ALL” do, but there will be a good portion who do, perhaps not the majority either.
LOL some people are okay with it.
I dont see how you play effectively with that set up though. Seems so slow lol.
Multiple monitors, just for fun, etc.
I would disagree, but you’re also straw manning my point of view, because it is easier to “refute” what I didn’t say, or what I believe. You’re welcome to your opinion.
It’s ok, but it sort of feels like the Etherwyrm and a cloud serpent had a baby.
I agree with you on bigger expenditures, but whether you buy 6 months of time to get the mount or wait until it’s in the shop, it isn’t really enough to make somebody sit and regret it. Obviously some people may, but if that is the case, they should evaluate their financial situation better before making purchases that aren’t necessary.
On a side note, I don’t even like the mount. I would never actually use it.
idk i think the guy who did the work did the best he could to paint a pretty mount over a long dead skeleton.
Maybe, not everyone on WoW works at a job paying more than 40-60,000 a year. The increasing costs can make people regret their choices.
Yeah, it doesn’t look all that great this time around.
Do you just farm stuff or run normal dungeons? When I used to do it I ran BGs.
Certainly he did, but those who would do all the other work in crafting the base mount wasn’t involved. Which is why I referred to it as low effort. Its copy paste, with a different color scheme. I’m not discrediting the painter, only the effort that comes prior to that phase.
Interesting mount, but I hate how the colors clash horridly with the saddle/armor.
Same. Its one I will never ride. But free is free
Your 17 year old granddaughter is correct.
It’s not a phase. The world is garbage today, and there is no future. She knows already. May you be lucky enough to never be forced to acknowledge this painful reality. While any hope you cling to for humanity’s fate is a comforting lie, there is nothing wrong with leaning on such a thing. We all find helpful little lies that we can cling to. If it helps you get through another night, it did its job. Authenticity is overrated when the truth is so unbearably bleak. I abandoned hope long ago. Now I throw my money at comfort, because we’re all doomed and that’s the best I’ll ever be able to squeeze out of this life.
I never multiboxed. I just have an army of alts that I play one at a time. I have approximately 200 characters at 50+, but I haven’t kept up with them since SL launched. I’ve only capped 13 or 14 characters this expansion.
Leveling is usually more fun for me. I went HAM in MoP and was leveling new alts constantly. These days, I mainly just log into them and do garrison stuff. Make Hexweave, herb, mine ore, collect resources, etc.
College is a scam.
That’s a shame. I encourage everyone to live, be frivolous, and enjoy life. But, I suppose some people derive enjoyment from being “responsible.” I can’t fathom it, but you do you.
I’m pretty sure everyone inherently understands their own point. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that he is either communicating his point poorly or that he is ignoring factors that are the basis of your disagreement. Either way, he likely understands what he means perfectly well, just as you understand what you mean.
I generally only do this for lowbie alts during fire festival and lunar new year.
There’s really nothing to refute. It’s predatory and I’m all in. Prey on me. I’ll throw all my money at Blizzard if they can give me anything worth paying attention to. Money is worthless to me. Entertainment is priceless. Therefore, I will gladly be exploited if it means I get to forget this sick, sad world for a few hours at a time.
If you worry about money, you’re wasting your time. Money is not even real. Go manipulate currency and stop working. I can’t say I’d rather be homeless than work a job, but if it came down to it, that’s absolutely what I’d do because I simply cannot perform any job for more than a week without getting fired or quitting. I got so lucky with the only jobs I ever had. In the first, I was a Manager so I was the boss and could defer responsibility to others. In my second job, I was security and could ignore things I was supposed to report.
I was not good at either job, and am incapable of performing to a higher standard.
I got lucky because both places of employment were completely dysfunctional and the people who were supposed to check up on my performance were MIA in both cases.
You get less than a century on this planet. Don’t spend it working, and definitely don’t spend it worrying. Do whatever you must to lead a vital existence.
I don’t see how they clash, but I only wear black, so I don’t know what clashes.
It’s almost like a huge mana wyrm.
I think that’s exactly what it’s supposed to be.
The red and gold stick out like a sore thumb compared to it’s blue body. Blues usually go better with silver, but that’s just my preference.
This. Quit selling us mounts, Blizz, that don’t actually let people USE them for the advertised purpose.
So I’m in a peculiar situation here.
I’ve bought a 6 month sub couple of months ago, and still have 3 months of game time (2 from the subscription, 1 because I bought an upgrade for my shadowlands game with wow tokens that added another 30 days of playtime). But I deactivated the automatic renewal. So far no free mount here. Do I need to enable the automatic renewal?
Did some research and found some surprising results.
1st, there’s this:
“If you’re currently on a 6-month recurring subscription with a future renewal date, you’ll receive Nether-Gorged Greatwyrm and Tabard of Flame.”
I’m not used to having a subscription, since I deactivated the automatic renewal, I went into the account settings in hopes of activating it again. After some steps it shows this:
You currently have game time remaining. This purchase will add 6 months of additional time to your account, and you will be billed immediately. Once all time expires, you will be billed XXX every 6 months until you cancel your subscription.”
I disabled the renewal because I don’t like being charged automatically without my consent for anything. But it looks like I did it too early and now I wont recieve the mount. All this crap looks like a scummy system to get money from people that forget to cancel the sub
A blue wyrm mount with Q-tips sticking out of its head?