New 6-month promo

Yeah, I mean, most Americans find a lot of things as slurs these days so, it is what it is.

Correct, I did, long ago. Like last year.

You can buy one in retail for 30-40$, its safe

Yes! I had unclaimed gifts on my launcher!

The mount is a pretty color so I’m thinking about it. I really wish the reins were purple though. Would be a cool mount for a mage!

I’ve had a sub for forever but been paying monthly. I’m not sure why not just bite the bullet and save some money.

Not gonna complain-- I got two free mounts and the Tabard for my last 6 month resub.

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Why does it have Q-tips sticking out of its head?

Ok, I was wrong. I love this thing! It’s like a small, sporty version of a cloud serpent.


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Yeah, the mount is damn nice. Flying around on it feels good.

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