NEW $20 in game shop transmog!



Yeah ha ha what a bunch of fools


Subs are that bad, eh Blizz?

Desperate times and all that


( I was one of those fools, I can make that joke lol )

how do you play the game looking like that and not puke?

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Don’t worry, I know that you don’t know. You forumites need more obvious signs of sarcasm.

“You forumites”

lol, yeah… I love your sense of superiority. Careful to not hit your giant head.

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I want to hold up a mirror to you and ask the same


honestly this set is so nice, it has so many variants in 1 and its so pretty i love that you can tone it down and make it simpler, or have it be really extravagant.

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Do you often find yourself loving things that do not exist?

It’s tucked away safely in my pants. Thanks for the concern though. Cheers!

I’ll have to grab this next week
Christmas got me broke atm

I wish they’d add a mog like the RAF mog into the game shop. I’d buy that one.

No thanks, I don’t want to pay for a game to pay for it again monthly to then pay for it again for item sets and mounts.


Sir, sir … this is Wendy’s… you need pants on to come inside.

that looks really great, i might get it

Or 1 visit to a fast food joint. Craps got expensive.

well duh, im a degenerate, you have to be one to play this transgender class. :smiley:

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It’s okay that you’re broke, honey

I’ll have to think about this… the Heartwarming Bundle is about $18 for me after discounts for previous purchases.