NEW $20 in game shop transmog!



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They give you like 4 different variations of the set with varying levels of skimp. I have elected not to wear pants. It also mixes and matches well with other things.


I got it for $11.44 Canadian by buying the “heartwarming pack” thing. It was the only item I didn’t have so I got it super cheap

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Hopefully it looks good on pandaren males :crossed_fingers:

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Four for legs, three for chest, two for hands, one for helm, shoulders, and feet, but yes leaving the choice to the player based on each one’s preference over their character’s gender is a much welcome change.

EDIT: Averax pointed out there are four options for legs, with picture proof.

There’s actually four for legs. Two with feathery bits and two just plain.

We can just spit on em.

I think that worked before.


I wish I could actually view it on my character so I know if I want it or not, but going to the shop only shows 1 version of it and I can’t find it in the WoWhead dressing room.

…urge. To buy. Rising.

Dangit this month sucks cuz I’m kinda squeezed for money

I actually wasn’t saying body type for the meme, it was because I was discussing the actual bodies and how clothes hang on them. And it kinda felt icky even insinuating that one style was masculine and one was feminine, even though they are in their design.

Men in thigh highs is aesthetic. Normalize diversity in clothing.



I got a stupid doctors appointment in a few days and since I ain’t got insurance its a good chunk of change just gone

$20? it cost me $8.

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I really can’t tell if this is just a dumb joke because I know some forumites will believe this whole-heartedly…

Yeah, the shop showed my Visage form when looking at it on the login screen with my Evoker selected.

So you disagree with… yourself… Okay. I guess you can claim that flex.

You do you, but there’s are reasons why men and women have different clothing sections…

Eeew no

You buy it

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Huh… when I viewed them in my collection I only saw two. Maybe I was so focused on the three-dimensional pieces that I blocked out the two flat texture options… But hey, nice to add the ability to remove the half-skirt though!

societal standards? other than the little extra bulk in one area or the other, our bodies are not that different.

One of many.

Average height, average weight, etc… Yeah sure, “not that different”.

exactly, only a little extra bulk in one area or another… not that different.

A male suit will fit a female of the same size, and a female skirt will fit a male of the same waste size. However, it is appropriate for women to wear suits, but not appropriate for men to wear skirts; society says so.