Nevermind lol

Elemental shaman here. I was recently in a SFK (heroic) run where the healer was struggling to heal the tank. The healer explained that they had just turned level 85. After wiping twice I decided to slow down on DPS and help the priest and began to off heal the tank. After clearing the first boss and only about 4-5 packs I was kicked from the group, and labeled a deserter, unable to queue for dungeons for another 30 minutes. Which sucked because I have a full time job, young children, various responsibilities around the house that limit my playtime. After confronting the person responsible for the kick, he explained that i need to “cope more” and that I was only pulling 6k dps, which I’m aware is low. But if they would have just given me a chance they would have seen I can pull around 18-20k dps on most packs. Which I think is reasonable considering my ilvl is like 330 at the moment. Genuinely curious…did I do something wrong here? Why do players in heroics expect everyone to be 350 ilvl and mega parsers? I was not afk, was dropping totems, Off healing tank, kicking when possible. I have always understood the shaman role to be a utility/dps role in dungeon and raid groups. Not sure what I am missing here. Thanks for your time.


You did a couple things wrong.

First you made 1 massive run on paragraph, hit enter it’s your friend.

The next thing you did wrong is you are ele using healing spells when you should be using chain lightning silly.


So I should have continued letting the group wipe, even though I can off heal and save the group from wiping?

Killing faster means less healing needs to be done


Fair enough.

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Because people don’t want dungeons to be long and tedious. We saw this happen when they added titan rune to WotLK, you had to have better gear than what the dungeons dropped in order to get a group invite.

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Do not upset the neckbeard sweatlords, that’s like rule number 1 of online gaming. Once you understand that, your life will become a bit easier.


Is this meant to be a joke?


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Hey OP, i wish more players played like you and I hope you don’t get discouraged from trying to do things other than zug zug in the future. What happened to you was just 5 man groups being 5 man groups, utility (specifically kicks) are a very ignored part of the game, because people are so trigger happy with kicks i would just dps/kick and not offheal unless its a boss mechanic that your healer just doesn’t have the hps to get through.

You have the right mindset, which is to clear the dungeon, the other player’s mindset is to clear the dungeon in the fastest way possible and if people can’t keep up - kicking them for not being all star 100 parsers, the chances are if you did not help this healer who was struggling and couldn’t keep up they would have been kicked instead


what you should ve learned from that is “communication is key” instead you expected your group to investigate the reason for your DPS drop and “slacking” themselves and understand what you were doing.


great point aswell

It is true though, doing damage helps kill the mobs faster which would help the healer.

I do find people kicking people for silly reasons. Like I’ve been in groups with 0 wipes, maybe not the best dps so it wasn’t the fastest run, but then just before the final boss a vote kick goes out for the lowest dps. Like why bother at that point? We’re at the last boss, no one has died, no wipes, let’s just get on with it and kill the boss.


More like the prepubescent fornight rejects…


yea you shouldve stayed in your lane and let the healer get kicked


only 20k dps? I would kick instantly

I agree. I’ve had to off heal as a ret pally before and got kicked for it with the “Do your job and not the healers” tag hanging on my neck.

But got whispered by the others saying what you just said. I saved that tank from dieing multiple times but again I wasn’t dpsing as much as I should have. I don’t regret helping the healer out. At all as you shouldn’t be either. As others stated so many are trigger happy to kick now it’s just the way it is.

Happy hunting!

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You didn’t do anything wrong. People are serious douchebags in this game. Too many think this is actually important hardcore gaming or something. Ignore those types and move on.


There should be a reversal card that lets you kick the person who initiated the vote to kick you


While what you did makes sense.
The correct answer is to not heal, but only do damage. If your group wipes a few times, the healer gets blamed and kicked, not you.
I don’t like it either but that’s the reality of what you are thrust into with random group finder.

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Not really. Not anymore.
It’s too nerfed and you will just OOM.