Nevermind lol

You should have kicked the healer. Instead you decided to do garbage tier dps and cover for another garbage player.

this attitude right here is the problem with players these days. saying he’s bad. when at the start of the dungeon the healer says he’s fresh, fresh doesn’t equate to garbage, the OP made the right call since healer wasn’t removed early, group should have just chilled. this is a cata heroic. if you wanted to be cutting edge, you should have ran this when it was retail wow.


You did low dps…
Nobody wants a low dps
Just as much as nobody wants a low hps healer…

Should of kicked the healer

Yeah because trying to help someone is a sign of weakness and you need to look out for number one because nobody else matters…I remember what wow was like before all these selfish scrubs started playing and ruined it.


It feels a bit like you’re searching for validation in your views on the forums. To that I would say, you are going to find disappointment here.

The reality of the situation is that it doesn’t really matter if you were in the wrong or in the right under other’s views. You did what you thought was the best for your situation and it sounds like there was little to no communication between the group past that point.

It sucks getting kicked from a group, and it sucks getting the timer lockout. Unfortunately bad behavior from others has necessitated this situation. People leaving after the first boss to hard farm randoms for a target drop has made them need to update the penalty, and since intentional trolling to get kicked could bypass that, the debuff had to be applied to kicks too.

In the end there are mitigating steps to this kind of situation. Bringing just a single person with you prevents a group kick from randoms, since 4 votes are required to kick a player. Ultimately an annoying thing happened to you that wasted your time in the game, and that feels back and feels frustrating and it can be upsetting. The best advice is to either accept that will happen sometimes and keep going, or try to mitigate the issue in other ways.

Hopefully your future groups are less upsetting.

they have a MINIMUM gear requirement for heroics which is still clearly too low, as any fresh 85 can essentially pull up.
Maybe if Cata lvling helped them figure out the rotation and how to play in a group setting, but instead it taught them how to drive a fighter plane, and how to push a kallamari ball.

To be fair, it’s been like pulling teeth to get players to do something as simple as basic cc since vanilla classic. There is a heavy helping of stupid served up in RDF lol.

If they can see what his DPS is, they can also see why he was healing.

Yeah but it’s a GAME, nobody is getting paid stop acting like it’s a big deal because it isn’t.

Mowing my lawn means more than playing this game all day, lets get a real perspective here.

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A good game necessitates knowing how to play it in order to beat it, instead of just handing out prizes for having a pulse. Especially when that involves interacting with other people as a team. “It’s just a game” is not a valid excuse for a lack of knowledge and/or effort

I don’t even necessarily disagree with your point that you should try to help struggling teammates, but there comes a point where you have to recognize where the line is between helping someone struggling, and doing their whole job for them at the expense of your own

My point is people take this WAY too serious, if you aren’t having fun you need to find something else to do and stop dragging other people down with you.


no you shouldn’t be helping to heal, that is the healers job. if he cant handle it he needs to get better. Healers should not have a crutch when in dungeons. If he cant heal heroics then he needs to do normals to get better gear. If it isnt a gear issue then idk what to tell you maybe play as braindead dps.

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I fail to see your point. You get good at the game with practice. If you are a fresh healer in half leveling greens and a few bits of dungeon blues, but you make the group sweat how low your healing is, and you are kicked, did you learn anything?

The answer is no. People having this go, go, go attitude are the problem. You don’t have to, nor should you be expected to, master your class and spec by the time you hit max level. That is where mastery begins.

Part of that mastery, is what the OP mentioned: that Shaman are a utility class with lots of tools at their disposal. Cc, fear immunity, mana tide, earth shield, chain heal, ect. A shaman can, and should, off heal if the main healer is falling behind.

A mastered tank should not pull more than they can handle with the healer they gave with them. Any tank should have learned that while leveling. If you level by dungeon grinding, you should have started to master your defensive buttons by the time you hit max level.

The only thing the OP should have done differently is communicate to the group their concern, and then ask if they should off heal. That was all the OP had to do. They would have gotten a yes, or a no, or gotten the healer kicked. A group that paid any attention beyond a damage meter would have noted their easier survival, and switched to the healing version. Maybe asked questions then. But no, they immediately went to “your dps is garbo. Kick them!”

Honestly. If a vote to kick is initiated in a random dungeon, you should at least receive the reason. Afk, low dps, or even low hps. Groups are usually asked with the pop up why. It won’t always make sense, but at least that’s better than nothing.


I disagree. The OP should have just asked if they should off heal. This puts the choice to the other two dps and the tank. A safer run is better than a slow grind fest of dying. This isn’t Edge of Tomorrow, it’s a game.

Should the healer have immediately jumped into heroic dungeons? Imo, no. I’d have ran the highest level normal until my gear was upgraded. Also farming your daily reputation for the shoulder enchants, as I recall, was also important.

The point is that through silence the OP shot themselves in the foot. Clear, easy communication is the key. Also some luck.

Practice is for leveling and normal dungeons. By the time you’re going into heroics you should know enough of what you’re doing to not need someone to do your job for you

And before you go off about that, no, knowing what you’re doing =/= having perfect mastery over your role. Knowing what you’re doing, as a healer, means knowing that “the tank is taking damage I should focus on keeping them alive” and, in Cataclysm in particular, “dps do not need to be topped off at all times, they have the health pools to survive a little damage so I should conserve my mana for when they do need healing”

Stop acting like “flawless speedrun mastery” and “literally don’t even know what my abilities do” are the only levels of ability. Going into heroics for the first time should have you in the middle somewhere

Gotta love being punished by Blizzard with a temp ban for being kicked from a group for doing nothing wrong. I quit the game for over three years last time that happened to me.

I didn’t advocate for speed running lol. Did you not read my above post as well? Clearly you didn’t.

You get some practice before max level. You don’t have your full kit and points until you hit 85. This is not hard. You begin mastery at level 85, that is obvious. Or you try to.

You are making a lot of assumptions, just like I did. Just because someone ques as a healer doesn’t mean they leveled as one. I’m sure everyone has run into that Holy Priest that seems to not know what they’re doing. I have to assume that they actually leveled as Shadow, saw the 30+ minute que time and decided to give healing a go. What could go wrong?

The OP didn’t do anything wrong besides not communicate. This is a game where you cooperate with other players. Your idea that everyone needs to just stay in their lane makes no sense when the class is full of tools to assist. Chock full of then in Shaman’s case.

Frog, Fear Immunity totem, mana tide to help healer mana pool, chain heal… that’s tons of tools to help. Even a ranged interrupt.

If the tool is there, use it. Just because your incredulous that someone might deign to assist a struggling, weak healer, didn’t make that choice wrong. If that’s your point, you are wrong. The tools- all of them- are there for a reason. That reason is to use them. You are objectively wrong to think a Shaman shouldn’t help.

Recently I have run into leeches(potentially bots) wearing cheap blues that aren’t their gear type or spec stat to make ilvl and spam heroics. The reason to kick them is to prevent bot profit from selling valor boots.

As to why one wouldn’t kick them earlier, it may be a case of the game not allowing it up to that point. The system sometimes has trouble deciding if it’s been long enough for a kick. The other reason may be to waste as much bot time as possible, as the jp conversion for gold isn’t as good as valor at the moment.

Realistically as long as someone isn’t wearing agi or str gear on their boomkin and has put effort into what good gear they have I won’t be the one to kick them. In general people are way too impatient for their own good, and end up wasting more of their own time in the long run for it.

Your course of action was too nuanced for rdf. For your sake it would have been better to either let the healer sink or swim and stay in your role, or specifically point out that you think the healer could use some help so that the zugs in your party don’t just think you’re bad. Last recourse could have been to offer to swap roles with the healer in order to finish out the dungeon.

This whole thread really hurts to read. I would hate to be a brand new player coming into this toxic bs. Blizzard is a behemoth, so you lot can get away with it, but I’ve seen plenty of games die to attrition caused by newbie-averse playerbases.

Y’all do realize new players are how a game continues to function, right? Not every noob will become a veteran, but every veteran was once a noob. My entire friend list from when I played in BfA is “last online 926 days ago” and that’s only 2 expacs ago. I haven’t seen my WotLK friends in well over a decade.

Having been the top player in a server of a game that no longer exists, I can say quite definitively that none of my efficient grinding methods mattered in the slightest once the playerbase dwindled.