Never have I cared less

why are you the way you are


zug zug lok’tar ogar genocide make me sad but I do it anyways because I’m perpetually stuck in an edgy teenage power fantasy blood and thunder zug for the horde zu zug.


As far as the novel, any Talanji news is good news.

If Blizzard explains her sudden forgiveness of the Alliance by having her go goo-goo over Zekhan… its better than no explanation. Wait… Yeah. Any explanation is welcome, at this point. Its something.

I prefer the term “old horde rock chewer”.

It is much more of an action.

A mud hut just sits there baking in the sun. A rock chewer describes what these Horde fans would do if they were in game and managed to find the exit of their mudhut.


Still having issues with reading comprehension I see… I never said it was his or any other player´s fault the story is a mess… I´m saying he shouldn´t complain over the obvious results of picking a trash tier narrative (especially when he didn´t shown self awareness regarding that disastrous narrative. No player is at fault -I mean, duh- but then again, players that never raised issues with the whole Horde Sadfang rebellion BS souldn´t complain now, cause it´s pointless and actually a little weird. I mean how are writers supposed to figure out someone dislike Zekhan and maybe the whole Sadfang fiasco if they happily defended it back then when it happened believing it would make things magically right by proxy of not representing Sylvanas equally trash tier way?

I said so, had devs put the “f** oof, I´m out on vacation, don´t make choose any of you clowns” option on live that was available on beta, guess which option I would have picked?

Do your worst :wink:

Also, don´t kill Hermes´avatar (I mean I´m just a poor thieving little messenger delivering the bad news some inmoral writer put on thjis game like a year ago…)


I don’t want to genocide anybody. I just don’t want to see Elves and Undead in Orgrimmar. Orgrimmar is too crowded. We don’t have space for sad Forsaken refugees. And I want the Blood Elves/High Elves to go home to the Alliance. No mudhuts over on the Alliance. They’ll never have to worry about any rock chewers or mudhuts in Stormwind.

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Bok’choi friend. Kick out belves. Me no want belves and “nightborn” in Horde. Not that it’s because me want to play helves and “nightborn” in Alliance no no! Me no main Alliance. It’s that me like FIGHTING elves. Yes that’s it. Why didn’t me like fighting elves in prepatch? Well cuz me was ordered to do it by elf. I look forward to seeing my fellow orgs in Orcrimmar. Zug dab


I love the idea of Zekhan getting more screen time.

He’s the first “fan driven” character I’m aware of and I love that he’s now the face of the “New Horde”.

Honestly, I’m surprised Bannerbae didn’t take. I was hoping they would do something with her as well.

Man after more than a decade this is quite sad… borderline pitiful. You putting the whole freaking Horde playing experience on the same level that the Barbie Wardrobe dressing room is… /massive facepalm


Thats rich, seeing as the Orcs are refugees from MU and AU Draenor. They could not keep a planet together in the MU or the AU.

Just be happy Anduin even allows you a patch of desert to squat in.


You said this:

Practically nobody applauded BfA, including Pyro. He picked Saurfangs option, as did I, because to him it was superior to siding with Sylvanas between the choices that were given in game. In fact the loyalist option is the one that was implemented most likely due to backlash from having to side with Saurfang, as was originally the only option. Knowing Pyros post history though, I am sure he would have wanted a different story than what was given.

This book and this expansion would have happened regardless.


That’s not OP.

I adore how he nerd rages against the Forsaken because of their amoral tendencies just to happily ignore Orcs have been portrayed as just as badly behaved (Cata not WoD made any favors to the Orc racial portrayal). If the excuse to kick out Forsaken is the questionable morals, Orcs should be kicked right after them cause they´re frankly just as bad but just more hypocritical while at it. If the reason to kick Belves is the different architecture, then I´m afraid Zanda trolls, Goblins, Pandas Forsaken and even Mag´har have to be kicked too (I mean their buildings aren´t exactly MU Orc esque).

I swear, I will never get why people has such a hardcore obsession with making the Horde more homogenous, boring and exclusive when it´s the heterogenous stuff the thing that makes it more interesting and awesome?


BfA is a 2 year old expansion that you’ve been complaining about. I don’t see why it matters if we have complaints that are 2 years old or decade years old. It’s called having opinions about the lore and story and this is the forum dedicated to them. Is it likely they would remove Blood Elves off the Horde? No. Just as it’s unlikely they change anything regarding BfA and the overall story they’ve given us. Yet here we are endlessly stuck in our convictions.

True. But when the Orcs founded Orgrimmar the Blood Elves were still on the Alliance. When Orcs were invading Azeroth to conquer new lands and settle a new home, it was the High Elves standing in the way alongside the Alliance and killing my characters Orcish ancestors. Their home is the Alliance.

I’m well aware. Pyro is a good one.

Nothing wrong with wanting to play as a high elf on Alliance. No need for all this nonsense and misdirection.


Qqing over a race cause it´s “too pretty/too different” from your headcanon reducting vision of the Horde is neither lore nor story. That´s literally GD tier discussion.

LORE and STORY is what made the Belves an excellent fix to the Horde. Go read it and come back later after you actually educate yourself on it and the Horde.


why must we fall for his nonsense every time


Yes there is. The Horde is waiting for you.


Only hundreds of people saw his main posted (not thousands) that time he was antagonizing and insulting someone and insisting he mains Horde and doesn’t like Alliance.