It’s not the first thing that was retconned, but until it’s retconned it’s canon.
It wouldn’t really change anything about the Trolls even if they did come from Titans constructs, no more than it changed that the Orcs turned out to be from Titan origins, too, any way.
It would butcher one of the things that made them unique to begin with, so I disagree.
Being Azeroth is a titan herself trolls are inherently one of the children of the titans already.
It would make the Tauren more unique, which I think is a good trade off.
I am against such a mindset to make ones look better by shatting on others. How that worked on nelves so far?
I don’t think Night Elves are any less unique because they came from Dark Trolls.
I mean sure, all the native races are children of Azeroth. There is a difference between say a troll who likely evolved with very little conscious interference (if any!) from a Titan (Azeroth is still a baby…a sleepy baby) and the Titan created races like dwarves and gnomes who were specifically created by a Titan for a purpose. Humans and orcs, while Titan descended, are not direct creations.
Been a while since I outright disagreed with OP, though that may be because I’m still on the Zekhan hype train. Sylvanas again is kinda meh (even if she’s a big baddie in the expac this leads to) and if they actually do something substantial to hurt Bwon I’ll be mighty miffed, but I can’t disagree with more trolls when they’ve been pretty shafted historically.
There is something you seem to be overlooking as someone who’s not a big fan of the trolls.
Trolls being the original denizens of Azeroth is a massive part of their lore and appeal. They started off being the one race that pre-dated the Titans arriving on Azeroth which gave them unambiguous claim to the lands they called their own.
That was ret-conned. Now they are merely one of the few races that naturally evolved on Azeroth after the Titans made it livable.
But if you take that a step further and make them titanforged just like the other races in the setting that would destroy the last vestiges of that ancient heritage that made the trolls such a compelling group.
In contrast tauren do not have that same history as their origins for the longest time were simply an unknown. We eventually learned they evolved like trolls did, which was great but didn’t really effect my love for the tauren in any way because that was not a piece of their story when I first started playing them.
Making trolls a titanforged race would legitimately butcher the last bits of their lore. I can also promise you that it would hurt troll fans far more than it would make tauren fans happy. So it wouldn’t be a good trade off at all.
I think you are overlooking that I am a fan of the Night Elves.
- The reclusive Night Elves were the first race to awaken in the World of Warcraft.
To which I already responded above:
The difference is that night elves still have a ton of really cool things going for them. Trolls, by contrast, are the setting’s whipping boy who lose basically every engagement they’ve ever had, including against the night elves, and who’s only claim to fame is that they aren’t titanforged.
It is really, really important to troll lore that they aren’t a direct product of the titans. It’s basically all troll fans have left to feel pride in. If you take it away they are just the worst Titanforged race.
I think you’re selling the Trolls rather short.
I wish I was. The only war tolls have won was the Aqir War, which just so happens to be the one war that is never brought up in the current story. Contrast to the War of the Ancients which gets brought up constantly and that we’ve even visited multiple times in-game due to visions, flashbacks, and time travel.
Trust me. To troll fans the troll origin story is actually a really big deal. Without it trolls are just another version of the Mogu.
I’m more focusing on this part:
Trolls also have a ton of really cool things going for them.
Military victories are not the end all be all of interesting things. If anything, military victories almost have nothing to do with culture in Warcraft’s setting, given that Blizzard has never put any particularly nuanced writing into the battles of the series.
Military victories are a source of faction pride, though. Isn’t a big complaint on both sides of the faction war currently “we barely won anything”? Particularly Horde-side since we lost both war fronts. It certainly isn’t the only complaint but it is a reoccurring one.
Trolls don’t really get big “hurrah!” moments that we can celebrate. We lose constantly to every other force we go up against.
Sure, there are other cool things about playing trolls. But we’re dangerously low on “racial pride” moments and our origin as natural born beings of Azeroth is one of those points. A point we don’t really have enough of to keep plucking away at them.
To be fair, elves evolving from trolls has existed since classic.
There’s this convenient post that went up recently:
Notice how many of those things have anything to do with military victories or how many of them would be affected by being originally Titan forged?
None of them.
This is a weird path of logic you’re using.
Because the aesthetics and culture wouldn’t dramatically change it doesn’t matter?
But I am telling you, as a long time fan of the trolls, that it would indeed matter quite a lot to me. Just like my post I made a while back about trolls being retconned mattered to me.
You’re taking what is already an aspect of the lore that diminishes my enjoyment of the lore and taking it one step further.
I am using your logic: