Do they truly need to go too deep? I mean most players when they think WoW gnomes they think of tinkerers and geniuses who make awesome(but sometimes faulty) inventions. Ask what a WoW dwarf is and most people will think drinkers and archeologist. For the purposes of world building Blizzard doesnt need to go into every minute detail of a race.
You seem to be complaining about how modern day values are being inserted into WoW, when this has always been the case with fantasy.
I draw the line at morals because the core of the argument is that Blizzard writing different races is really not that unique.
Because at the end of the day its just a human with a jamaican accent referencing some troll god or another.
No unique cultural differences or moral values that actually makes them interesting to read.
Rather its just a modern human with some quirks.
So it’s fair game? The point I was making was that it’s silly to expect that book that is tilted over one character to not be in majority about said character.
I think his point is its too early to till who has the main storyline? the spoilers we got for BTS where sylvanas POV but sylvanas isnt what the book is mostly about.
Simplistic at times, sure. Superficial, not really. Chronicles alone is 3 books worth of lore and those barely scratch the lore surface.
I have always considered WoW lore about comic book level and that is not a bad thing, it is fun and people can easily get lost in a comic and like WoW seem to breed endless debates.
I never said it was unfair. This was the initial quote I was refuting:
As I said earlier the Alliance have not gotten a more favorable amount of screentime over the Horde though the novels.
That is your opinion. The fact is, Warcraft lore is deep enough that this entire portion of the forums is dedicated to how invested it can make people feel. Not bad for a RTS/MMO/Card game.
If the Emerald Dream represents spring and summer, Ardenweald represents autumn and winter in the cycle. This place of rest and hibernation is presided over by the Night Fae Covenant, who tend to spirits who were closely tied to nature, preparing them to return to the world of the living.
The demigod Cenarius spent time recovering in Ardenweald so that he could return to Azeroth during the events of the Cataclsym.
a bit off topic but imagine how cool it would be if elune took all the dead night elf souls to ardenweald if a miracle happens and the night elf souls get out of the maw
Adenwald is realm for Wild gods to reincarnate. Not death plane that night elves go to .
I bet that nelves don’t even know about it.
While vrykul and trolls knew very where of existance of their own afterlife.
Maybe this is why Tyranda goes there to indeed help those who have fallen. But so far nelves have no history with this plane, nor there are any hints of them knowing about it.
I could be wrong, but time will tell how it will roll out.
But my point stands so far, they didn’t have a history with death realms, we didn’t see them trying to reach out to it via some sort of ritual. But we saw many other races do it.
Using Cenarius is very bizzare example for counterpoint, as we all knew that Wilds Gods go to Emerald Dream to reincarnate, but nobody could tie it as an actual death realm for mortals. Just because Shadra Reincarnated few times doesn’t mean that trolls go there in their afterlife or are even aware of it.