Never have I cared less

Clearly someone hasnt read chronicles.

That thing just got retconned.
First the scourge, helm of domination and Frostmoure are creations of Burning Legion and by Shadowlands they are merely stolen.

Sylvanas despises the living, the Horde and has been allied with the jailor for years to feed him souls and power to remake the world and yet in multiple books from her FIRST PERSON PERSPECTIVE we dont get a single reference, a hint, a foreshadowing.

Absolutely nothing.
There are a hundred other examples but it is clear that you know nothing and you probably don’t have any idea what a proper story looks like.

This story is being written by people with zero planning and no centralized idea.
Every author does their own thing and if anything inconvenient shows up or is remembered they ret con it.

I will leave you the broken isles being retconned, illidan being the good guy, draenei being corrupted by Sargeras rather the other way around.
Falstad veing thought dead in a famous funny example.
Sylvanas planned Wrathgate.
There are soooooo many examples that its hard to keep track.
I could go on and on but something tells me you are not worth the effort.


I’ve actually read all there chronicles books, multiple times in fact. You clearly don’t know what a retcon is. Learning new information that adds upon previous information is not a retcon, it’s called learning new information.

You are making a conclusion when the expansion isn’t even out yet. Not a very good start, nice job. You realize that Nathrezim have a clear connection to the Venthyr? The Nathrezim being part of the Burning Legion and the ones involved in those items being created?

Yes, we’ve know that she’s hated the living and the Horde as far back as Vanilla WoW. We’ve gotten several hints and foreshadowing as well. The pre-cata Forsaken intro cinematic stated she didn’t care about the Horde. In Edge of Night we learn that Sylvanas saw a terrible fate for herself in death (the Maw) and made a pact with the Val’kyr. We then see in Legion that she was making a deal with Helya to try making more Val’kyr. We learn in BfA that Vol’jin was manipulated into making Sylvanas leader of the Horde. BfA also showed that she had gotten stronger by using more advanced Death magic all throughout the expansion, as well as even revealing her working with a Death entity months before Blizzcon.

It’s obvious that you’re just projecting your lack of knowledge onto me, when in reality it’s you that don’t know anything. I know what a proper story looks like, and Blizzard, Christie Golden, etc. have been doing it consistently.
If you actually took time to look around the lore, you’d know that they have things planned out years in advance. People like to pretend that Void Elves came out of no where, when in reality we knew about them since TBC, and that’s just one of many examples.

Since this is getting quite long I’ll just pick apart one more of your claims. Sylvanas always planned the Wrathgate. Not only was that clear back when it was going on, it was restated in chronicles, and the person that even designed that part of the story flat out said in an interview that it was always planned that way. She is manipulative, she doesn’t tell the truth and when she does it isn’t the whole thing. We knew she was creating the new blight in secret, she knew she would get caught if she hadn’t pinned the blame on someone else.

Although your incompetence is entertaining I can’t be bothered to waste more time on this. Feel free to keep lying to yourself, but don’t spread false information to others.

When that new information is directly contradicting old one then yes.
That would be a ret con.

That is the very definition of a retcon.
For example the Draenei example you chose to ignore because you couldn’t defend was even admitted to by Metzen himself.
He admitted he screwed up. He even apologized.
So… no. The Draenei/Eredar becoming the victims rather than aggressors was not some feat of brilliant storytelling but rather a mistake.

Again. You cannot retroactively go back and change facts then cry about the story not being done yet so you cannot judge it.

First he says we don’t know anything.
Then he says he has established lore that there explains why Blizzard mistook the Burning Legion for the Venthyr.
Or rather maybe you are saying it was a partnership rather than a solo enterprise?
Hm… what is the word for this? Ah right Headcanon. The hallmark of a great story being unfolded.

And yet we have books like like BTS where from her own POV she is trying to right by them.

Which they never bothered mentioning in their Before the Storm.
Its like every book and entry from Blizzard happens in its own isolated little universe.

You know your imagination doesn’t count right?

But not in the book that had Sylvanas as one of the narrators?
I don’t think you know how a good story ought to be written.

Lol no.
This whole Sylvanas planned and orchestrated Wrathgate was only stated in an interview.
You imagining and theorizing some conspiracy from poorly written material aren’t relevant.

Well of course you can’t be bothered with.
You outright make up your facts, lie and fail to source anything you say.
Don’t let the door hit you on your way out darling.


I hope for the best … Alleria, Tyrande , Turalyon, Talanji :heart_eyes:

Everyone is going via bolvar

    Elune is the primary goddess of the night elves. She is associated with the larger of the two moons, the White Lady. While she is a goddess of peace, she is not a pacifist. One of her aspects is the Night Warrior, who takes the valiant among the dead and sets them riding across the sky as stars.

As we saw with Ysera in Val’sharah.

I am not complaining, I am reacting to A COMPLAINT. The complaint being that somehow Blizzard novels are more focused on the Alliance, when with the exception of Before the Storm nearly all Blizzard books have had equal screentime for both(and some books have more screentime for Horde characters)

All Blizzard books write the different races like humans, with human morals and human customs.

Reading about orcs, tauren or trolls is no different than reading about some random humbo.
Look past the odd accent and aesthetic and its pretty much just humbos talking to humbos and learning how to be better humbos from Andiun the Untoxicated.

Cause we are all humans all the non humans have human culture too


What human culture is orcish culture?


Elune is god for everything to night elf. Night, hunt, emerald dream, sea apparently. I meant that Nelves don’t have any specific ties to shadowlands.
We never had any specific outlook on their after life at least as far as I recall. Their thing was to be turned into whisps. If they’re turning to whisps it was indicator that they didn’t even had any specific death plane if they’re stuck in mortal world. But now we see that went to maw, and some are present in bastion to be turned into blue humans.
They don’t have any entity like Bwonsamdi, Eyir or Helya it prevents them from having any detailed knowledge of shadowlands, or more intimate relation with death itself. But it’s fine really, each race has it’s niche and perks.

Nomadic steppe people with a flair of samurai and basic ancestor worship. That’s just overall too they made the clans slightly different in wod

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As Katiera said, every race in WoW is an amalgamation/distilled version of a human culture.

I would say a very loose version of how western people saw the mongolian. Hence the use of Horde, with a bit of Tolkiness asthetic on the side.

So its inspired by many different human cultures and historical periods, not a singular one but they still share our modern moral values?

Yep what you don’t think modern steppe people don’t have some sort of modern values?

I mean why not? It is fantasy and fantasy happens to share the moral values of the time(see how disney princess have evolved from Damsels to heroines of their own story)

Edit: we really should tag team against Pheandra more, Katiera, this is fun.

Thats generally how most fantasy authors write different cultures and races.

A mix of bunch of things they got inspired by in our history but never do they collectively have the same moral values.
Besides Blizzard never bothered going that far into detail on each culture to truly differentiate them.

For example. Why is every race monogamous?

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That makes no sense.
What are you talking about?

Are you saying that Orcs are a documentary on modern Mongolians and the Steppe people in Russia?

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You are defending why Blizzard chooses to represent multiple races in a fantasy setting across multiple cultures with the same cultural values… because Disney is trying to modernize old story tropes?
Lol what?

no, wow has a ton of modern stuff are you saying medieval people had machine guns and heavy artillery ? why do you draw the line at morals?