Shoot, BtS was 70% Anduin and 30% Sylvanas. The books are always heavily slanted to the Alliance if they include both factions, and its not a surprise to the Story Forums.
I was wondering when nelf fans will make another strike at Zappy. It is the second time he pulled attention out of their suffering after all, first time it was with “the Old Soldier” where people were thrilled over him instead of focusing on nelves, and now this book. How dare he.
It’s not like it will be entierly about him, it’s not like it’s gonna cover also Zandalari conclusion which were absent for 2 patches and people were wondering what was their stance on all of this mess, unlike it was with other Alliance and Horde leaders, and it’s not like it’s gonna also cover one of the important heralds of death in the incoming expansion to which only trolls have meaningful connection.
Additionally, it’s gonna cover Alleria and Turalyon and other subject (so confirmed Alliance spotlight, maybe you should complain that you wanted other Alliance characters instead of these two), and night elves don’t have any clear ties to Shadowlands.
And of course conveniently they forgot that a lot of books were covering either important Nelf characters ( Stormrage, Illidan) or part of their history (War of Ancients) or some extra mini novels (Elegy).
So basically she will be yelling at the horde pc for participating in the writers story without having a say and while the alliance gets told how heroic they were and a main focus in that zone, yea poor elves
Val’shara, Azsuna are still nelf content and Broken Shore portrays Maiev, Illidan at the main spotlight and the ending closure involves giving the final message of the edgelord to Malfurion and Tyrande.
I often wonders when the nelfie base became so toxic as the belfie to outright throw fits to get some spotlight and seem the devs think of that way with all their low key jabs they did.
They never have destroyed and teared down a playable race like they did with the Night Elves with all the details and making sure that the event is as horrible as possible. All of that onscreen. They made you quest through it how all those civilians were going to die a painful death in the flames and how nobody can save them from it.
It wouldn’t have been half as bad if they didn’t end the storyline with the Night Elves killing only 1 recreatable Val’kyr. The whole thing was just used to drive on Saurfang as a character and that’s where all their effort went with the GCI cinematics while completely ignoring the race they have destroyed just for that.
Draeneis and Trolls want a word on that aspect
Oh poor little things, I think they can cry with all the troll civilizations made fodder while alliance fodder make fun of that
The whole thing was to promote the storyline of Danuser, Afrasiabi and Golden with their first original baddie. You’re a bit selfish if you thing was only to promote the character of Saurfang which btw was butchered and became really impopular despite being the Chuck Norris of Vanilla
I can really relate with it, believe it or not.
You can now imagine how exactly troll fans were feeling over the years.
Seeing how we Sabotaged Drakkari for fighting back Scourge, Fighting Against Zul’Jin who just wanted his home back, in MoP learning that cradle of Troll civilization was sunk in Cataclysm (it was retconned in BfA, but back then it was extremely shattering news), being part of the raiding team that sacked Zul’Farrak just for loot, and in Legion killing last prominent character without any sort of compensation, without any extra story and even mocked by devs themselves over it.
But the worst thing of it is that narrative alwyas frame it as it being ok. They’re denied their martyrology despite in most cases not doing anything wrong.
So I really get it how it is when you’re forced to not only witness but play though something with which you deeply disagree, something you wish was carried out much better, and knowing very well it will never get a proper conclusion.
For me Legion was a last straw, I couldn’t pull myself to play this game anymore and only BfA pulled me back with Zandalari and other small band-aids.
So either you wait a bit longer or you save yourself some nevers and take a break if it’s so upsetting. It worked for me.
Oh please, The Shattering was 50-50 split, Wolfheart was at best 60-40, Voljin book was purely him with maybe about 15-20% with Tyrathan in it. Tide of War was a close 50-50 with both side getting an epilogue. Warcrimes at worse was 60-40 in favor of the Alliance.
Edit: Rise of the Horde was a clear 70-80 Horde with 20-30% spotlight given to the draenei.
Forsaken players lost more than night elf players did.
That book had three main characters, although yes, Vol’jin was the main one. I’d say it was more like 50% Vol’jin, 30% Chen, and 20% Tyrathan.
Not only did forsaken players get a massive victory at the start of BfA, they also only lost a capital city and their leaders (temporarily).
Night Elves didn’t get a victory and they lost their people, 3 zones, their capital, their future, basically everything. The forsaken even get tirisfal back in 8.3 while the Night Elves only get 1 of their 3 zones back and 1 of that is unrestorable. Even worse, their revenge was limited to killing a single recreatable Val’kyr and then they never got mentioned again.
You need to stop and take a long hard look at your life.
Regardless, unlike Tides of War or Wolfheart, the main Horde char got the bulk of screentime with the Alliance stand in getting significantly less.
Wow that’s all you could come up with?
It’s you claiming things without bringing arguments for it. The Night Elves have been completely annihilated while the forsaken lost their capital city and Sylvanas. Almost all of their people have been wiped out, how can you even compare that to a city and a leader. No civilians were killed in Undercity, and the forsaken played a big part in the near extinction of the Night Elves.
To say that the forsaken as a race lost more than the Night Elves is beyond my understanding.
It would be odd if the Book Title over main character wouldn’t revolve around him.
It’s like expecting “Stormrage” to be about Sunwalker Dezco or some other Horde character.
So I don’t understand the complaint.
- The machine of death is broken, and players entering the Shadowlands will find the realm of the dead in disarray. In the natural order of things, souls are sorted and sent on to an afterlife realm appropriate to the lives they lived, but now, but over the past few years, all souls who have perished—including the innocents slain at Teldrassil—are being funneled directly into the Maw.
I meant that they didn’t have established death entity or death related practices like trolls, orcs or even tauren that would serve as proper bridge to shadowlands. They are long living race that never had established afterlife, originally they were turning to whisps and living in trees if they died or were stuck in limbo like banshees/ ghosts.
So they will likely get to Shadowlands via Bolwar.
How could you learn about lore when it is constantly changing at the drop of the hat?
Nevermind all the mental gymnastics it requires for you to power through even if you do.
It’s not constantly changing, it rarely does. It isn’t difficult to understand the lore either, and if it is that is more of a personal problem.
And yet its constantly is changing, conflicting information, characters conveniently forgetting or ignoring facts and etc.
Any casual fan who bothers with the lore is aware of this. How are you not?
No, anyone that pretends to know the lore claims it. It’s not true in any way. I’ve been invested with the lore for several years, I know what they’ve done and I know that you and others are full of nonsense. You haven’t even given an example yet. The lore isn’t changing, you’re just incredibly confused.