Never have I cared less


/10 chars

This expansion has been a series of character foul ups since it’s pre-launch event.

Garrosh in Wrath: “We’ll go to war with the Alliance for the Good of the Horde!”
Saurfang: “Take us down a dark path again and I’ll kill you.”

Sylvanas in BfA: “For the good of the Horde, we’re going to war with the Alliance.”
Saurfang: “…ok”

It’s a shame. We can argue about how he didn’t intend to let civilians in Ashenvale get shivved by hired assassins or how he wasn’t out to burn Teldrassil until we’re blue in the face and our typing fingers bleed. In the end though, Saurfang should have stuck with his promise to Garrosh, told Sylvanas “no” from the beginning, he declared Mak’gorra before she got empowered with dead souls from Teldrassil. He likely would have got a confession out of her just like he did before the gates of Orgrimmar.

But I guess we needed a “storyline” to play through. :frowning:


At this point I would pay them to forget teldrassil.

You are already doing that. You’re paying to play the game and they forgot Tel.

How’s the cellphone reception in your own little world?


My own little world? Are you denying that they forgot Teldrassil?


What part about 8.1 being their revenge, them getting ignored for the rest of bfa, not being featured in the book and the devs saying that BfA has been concluded did you not get?

There’s only so much lore they’re willing to fit into the ten minutes of lore they add to each patch.


Not understandable or acceptable is this:

And the fact that they have proven that they really meant this statement by ignoring the race accordingly. The very least would’ve been featuring them in the book if there’s no time for that in the game since it wouldn’t be a horde victory, but not even that happened as we’ve seen the summary.

Just because you don’t see them harping the Horde non stop about the tree doesn’t mean they have forgotten about it.

I would much rather every word they said to you was Teldrassil instead of the Horde, and removed it from the Horde content. Then both parties could be happy.

The problem is that they have said that the Night Elves got their revenge in 8.1 by killing a recreatable Val’kyr, meaning that this storyline is over.

That’s why they are also okay with the Horde and are only after Sylvanas even though the Horde has made zero amends or apologies, because they got their revenge.
Same about the book that didn’t seem to have enough space to include the Night Elves

But that’s not what you said.

so let’s assume they actually remember Teldrassil, they still don’t have any interest or care about continuing/concluding the storyline, so what does it change?

They had you win darkshore and specifically said they were continuing the story when they literally force tyrande down our collective throats in ardenweald.


Horde characters sell. No body gave two cents about Bolvar when he was condemmed to be the Jailor of the Dammed, but Zappyboi became a viral hit because of how his character was introduced first in the BFA cinematic and then in the Saurfang cinematic which was released later but precedes that story.

The audience made it clear who they wanted, and Blizzard is listening.

winning darkshore feels hollow when they can’t even be bothered to implement that cheap victory cutscene into the game, and even less if they don’t have Ashenvale.

Also I don’t trust them a single bit about Tyrande in Ardenweald, they have lied a lot already. I’m going to wait until alpha/beta and if Tyrande doesn’t die within the first 5 minutes of that zone you can colour me surprised and then we can actually start talking, but so far there’s nothing of proof that implies that they actually want to conclude or continue the Teldrassil storyline.
Looks more like they want to kill an alliance leader to me, and Tyrande is the perfect candidate for that.

Then why do they write so few novels about them? Only Thrall and Vol’jin have had novels titled after them. Most of the novels feature a mixed cast, and Jaina’s been a major character in several of them.


Doesn’t matter. They didn’t forget Teldrassil.

It’s just as bad for me if they didn’t forget Teldrassil but still don’t want to conclude or continue it in a way that’s actually positive for the Night Elves instead of giving the Horde more free victories, zones etc…
In BfA they ignored the Night Elves and left everything unanswered and so they did in the book as the Night Elves are not in it, so even if my statement about them forgetting Teldrassil is wrong, the outcome is the exact same.