Never have I cared less

I’ve been a fan of Saurfang’s since the first Alliance attack on Orgrimmar I witnessed in the Year of Our Lord 2004/5. It only grew from there.

Night Elves got alot in the last expansion. They toke back Darkshore and we seen the Night Elves “teeth”. Tyrande wants Sylvanas died. Yeah cool.

Sylvanas doesnt need redeeming either.

Yea they got Darkshore BACK, that’s literally all they got. Not even Ashenvale.

They only got attention when the Horde needed some major victories.

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That is a fair point. But this is a different author who’s so far been responsible for the generally well received Traveler stories, per my understanding. Again Blizz has reaped what they sowed and I personally won’t preorder or blind buy in good faith anything of theirs anymore.

But I do think there are still talented people who can do wonderful things with this setting. I wouldn’t still be playing if I didn’t. So I kinda want them to still attempt new ideas. And yeah a character who doesn’t have super hero power levels and isn’t a hundreds year old walking history - a character who’s just some guy - does seem interesting to me.

One of my biggest gripes with BFA is for a story ostensibly about the Horde and Alliance at war it did very little to talk about the people of those nations and their relationship to the conflict. Having a smaller scale character who’s not an ancient warrior or powerful monarch could indeed be interesting. I imagine Zenkan could be relatable. At least more so than the centuries old Queen of a Golden Empire that spent her formative years getting life lessons from a Godzilla.


I’d be perfectly fine with them knocking off Sira so we never have to be insulted with her presence in game ever again. Same goes for the rest of the Undead Night Elves.


It’s impressive how Blizz managed to annoy two very different fan bases with a single idea.

A generalization perhaps but I don’t think too many Night Elf fans rolled Nelf to hear about necromancy and undeath.

And on my end I’m going “Oh yeah, please, let’s give some more time to the undead nelves. I certainly can’t think of any other group of undead in dire need of new and expanded characters right now”.


I really can’t fathom how in the quest line that was sold to Nelf Fans as a “Fist pump moment” they thought we’d enjoy watching two named Night Elves and a bunch of NPCs rise from the dead and willingly join the people who murdered them to assist in more murder of their own kin.

The dissonance is insane. I feel bad for Forsaken fans that don’t want this story either, as hard as it is to realize they exist sometimes, cause honestly I’d rather see Forsaken get story pertaining to their own home rather than this hack job of an expansion theme.


Talanji is not that old, but isn’t “Praying to Giant Godzilla” the reason why Zandalari are so lovable?

Yes? No? Or is it just me? (hehe)

But I agree, Zekhan will deffinielty be more likeable, unlike any other big person that was granted a book there was something “special” about them.
Like a prophecy like it was with illidan / Anduin, special lineage, or raw power.

Zekhan has neither of that, he is not “the chosen one” he doesn’t have “special lineage” he is proving himself to be some sort of potent prodigy but he is also relying on others. Although the same could be said about Rokhan, with the difference that Rokhan is supposed to be well experienced war veteran. Which is again something that Zekhan doesn’t have.

I really hope it will be good book because I want to be amused with this experiment.


Even better when that was all they were going to get and it’s considered their revenge and they have never been mentioned again after that, not even in the damn book that’s supposed to conclude BfA.

Elesana didn’t you see the tweet though? The author mains a Night Elf Druid, Elesana! TELDRASSIL IS NOT FORGOTTEN!!!

I don’t think my eyes have ever rolled so hard.

Just wait for Tyrande questline. Not everything has to be related to nelf, especially after having Legion focusing in them for 2 patches

Yea I can’t hear things like “There will be justice” or “Teldrassil is not forgotten” enough and then the best they can come up is killing 1 recreatable Val’kyr before they say that this is their revenge and all they’re going to get.

The summary doesn’t even include any night elves other than Sira who I don’t care about at all. The author saying something about night elves doesn’t mean they will be included in the book.

Basically sums it up.

  1. The Tyrande questline is probably gonna be something both factions play. Which means it will have absolutely nothing for Night Elf fans to enjoy. She’s either gonna forgive the Horde, which she basically already has by focusing on Sylvanas, or she’s gonna be killed off because wanting justice for the genocide of her people means “She’s consumed by vengeance D:”

  2. Legion didn’t have two patches of Night Elf content. You’re thinking of the Horde race known as Nightborne.

If population numbers alone dictated who got what it’d be nothing but Human and Belf content for the end of time.

On my end however I’ve never really cared about the Dark Rangers in general. When they were banshee’s wearing their corpses like power armor that was at least a unique idea but now apparently any Legolasalike can be one if they die and go to Hot Topic.

It was the plight of the undead humans that interested me. The idea of someone trying to find meaning as the living dead. Do they try to balance the remnants of their humanity with their dark, predatory nature or just go full Dr.Frankenstein? Interesting questions that apparently go forever unanswered.

It’s especially galling now as the Forsaken are homeless and leaderless. Their Dark Lady revealed herself to be a false savior. Whatever is in store for them will have to be a pretty dramatic change to the status quo. But instead of broaching any of that the story focus keeps pointing itself at recently undead Alliance characters who are at best vaguely connected to the Forsaken. I am more interested in Jeremiah Payson and how his cockroach husbandry buisness is doing in Orgrimmar than I am any Dark Ranger or Warden’s adventures with Natty Blight.


Careful what you wish for. He’ll get the Zappy treatment and start going on adventures to discover what the heart of the Horde truly is with his spunky cockroach pet that was quadrupled in size by some experimental blight.

Bold of you to assume that isnt something I want.

Cockroach might be difficult to add as a supporting character though. Either we do the Disney thing where all animal companions behave like weirdly shaped dogs or we say the blight also gave the cockroach near sapient intelligence.

The power of speech seems a bit much but maybe it could have a chalkboard it could scrawl questions on.

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I mean given Blizzard’s track record the cockroach acting like a wierdly shaped dog is more likely.

All the cinematic fights are anime as hell and all the sentimental moments are ripped straight out of Disney films. Jaina’s newest design is literally Elsa and Anna slapped together. I’m surprised she hasn’t had a musical number on the peaks of Kun’lai or something.

The anime thing isn’t really new. I mean as of WC3 we had Illidain and Arthas - two monstrous yet still traditionally handsome characters - dueling in a howling frozen tundra.

You know the type of place you’d make your Tumblr bait fight in to save on animation time since the backgrounds are white and flat by their nature?

As for the emotional moments I think that’s unfair to Disney. Let’s not lie and pretend that Bambee scene doesn’t still sting. Thing is Blizz refuses to go even that far. Oh it does much worse like the burning of Teldrassil but we rarely see anyone effected on a personal, relatable level.

I think the only key that made me feel anything was the short bit of Saurfang howling over his dead son. Been so long since I played Wrath I forgot about that part. Outside of that though it was mostly places or namelsss NPCs nobody mourns for getting wrecked.

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That’s fair. I do hate how subtly hard that one Saurfang scene hit me. I wasn’t expecting it. But it’s kind of overshadowed in my memory by the fact that 3 CGI Cinematics were spent on how sad the Genocide of my favorite race made an Orc.


True. The mass killing of Nelves basically served as character motivation for Saurfang and Anduin. Didn’t know you could fridge an entire race.

On my end it was, something, to see the Forsaken as not but Saturday cartoon villains. I guess Belmont lost his personality in the Battle For Lordaeron from a blow to the head. He hadn’t been used much but he was irreverent, brave and dismissive of authority. But in Darkshore he’s all “Your heads for the Banshee Queen muahaha!”.

Like they blew up the Undercity, made our only relevant lore characters run off, and then decided what few personalities were left should be Skeletor.