Never Forget. Never Forget

Completely different development team. But, with the current version of Shadowlands. I’m doubtful it will be the savior expansion we’re looking for.

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Get over yourself. If you don’t understand that opening up on this random thread isn’t going to change a swathe of minds I don’t know what to tell you.

Actually I didn’t say they were right. For someone who wants to help others see the light, so to speak, you seem to not understand what point I’m making. The point I’m making is people are allowed to feel how they want to. Did I say right anywhere just now? Did I make a morality call in any of it? Or am I just a more supportive person that doesn’t see the point in ridicule since shame actually DOESN’T help every situation.

Tried what? You’ve done nothing but waste my time.

We were told going into this that there would not be D4 news and for us to curb our expectations.


Of course it’s not going to change a swath of minds.

But if it changes even one then I’ve won.

Of course it doesn’t help in every situation. Flat earthers are plenty of proof of that. They just retreat to their insular communities and trade misinformation rather than deal with sane people.

But this is one of the situations where it does.

When people are coming to what they consider a group of their peers, such as other fans of the franchise, and see they’re getting no sympathy for their misplaced outrage, then they’re more likely to just accept that their outrage is misplaced when they see others who they assumed would be equally upset only to find they where not.

See this thread where I was on the receiving end of that.

I was absolutely livid that the Leather set for the Maldraxxus covenant looked like something threw it up while the others looked cool and powerful.

I was clearly in the minority about this, and most leather wearers seemed happy with it. So that was the end of it.

I still hate the look, but I’m not making a new topic every day about what an injustice it is because guess what: It wasn’t as bad as I had initially felt and it wasn’t worth getting that mad over.

No. You’ve done nothing but waste your time by continuing to respond to me when it’s clear my stance isn’t about to change any time soon.

And what if we have zero respect for you? What makes your opinion so much greater than others and so superior than you can ridicule like that. Judging from your attitude you’re simply a dude with no self esteem trying to flex your epeen due to the fact no one knows who you are in real life.

I feel sorry for people like you.

And I feel more sorry for people like you, who can’t imagine any criticism is valid and anyone who disagrees with them must have something wrong with them.

(Which, I mean, there are a lot of things wrong with me. But none of the things you listed)

I don’t mind criticism, it’s how we grow. It’s how it’s delivered that matters. But, I won’t argue with you simply because you wouldn’t listed. I will simply pray that you find a heart.


How it’s delivered does matter. And sometimes it has to be delivered in the bluntest way possible.

That’s your opinion. And it’s wrong. But, do what you will. I tend not to let jerks rent space in my brain for free. Since your not paying… Then I pray you have a great day!

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Shh! Don’t bring logic into this, it’ll make it hard for the OP to foment outrage.

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I hate my phone.

Diablo team is the diablo team. hearthstone team is the hearthstone team. and WoW also has its own team. Or did they restructure and now the diablo team is the WoW team?

I never forget that Diablo 3 got ONE whole expansion while Grim Dawn got 2 and Minecraft Dungeons is getting 2 (granted Jungle Awakens is kinda small)

Cool. Don’t buy it. Wait until the reviews come out. Imagine that.

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Why did you make this thread? WoW players never forget anything :rofl:

Dear Blizzard,
Still want my max camera zoom distance back
-Love, Kaurmine

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We have seen this thread so many times that at this point it should be permanently labeled as spam.

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I want to play diablo inmortal tbh

It was getting another, but somehow their internal projections seemed to suggest it wouldn’t make the amount of money they hoped for so it got cut down into DLC. It’s a bummer.

Diablo 3 is actually a lot of fun on consoles and from what I understand did extremely well on them after-the-fact. In fact, I’d argue Diablo 4 is mostly trucking along now because of the console market. PC gamers are entitled as heck and the return on investment for trying to cater to PC players, devoid of them paying a subscription fee such as in an MMO, is not particularly worth it.

All that said, I’m looking forward to Diablo 4 on console. They’re making some changes that seem like they will help make the co-op experience better as well which I’m looking forward to.

Lets also never forget:

  • CoD 4 MW Remastered and their handling of it by selling DLC (even more then the launch price) and introduction of MTX into a 9 year old game at that point.
  • Destiny 2 and how it launched before it split from Activision. :face_vomiting:
  • Crash team racing nitro fueled MTX
  • Overwatch’s Lootboxes
  • Diablo 3’s auction house and launch
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Console gamers aren’t immune to entitlement as well.

Why is it always the PC gamers that are entitled? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Paying for Microsoft or Sony to just use the internet on the Xbox or PS isn’t worth it. Meanwhile, Steam, GoG, Orgin, Uplay and dare i say it, Epic, is all free.

Yea, that 4k with not that great framerate with no way to upgrade the system cause their isn’t upgradeable parts, can’t change the graphic’s options like you can with the PC and possibly no Mouse and Keyboard support across the board and limited mod support. Can’t wait. :confused:

At least the Ray tracing looks nice, despite the fact you can get it for about $200 to $400 and stick the GPU in your PC.

And 4k is nice too, kinda of a shame to get a good 4k TV or computer monitor that doesn’t give you lag to take full advantage of it. In all honesty, PS5 and Xsocks should just be 1440 120fps or at least 60fps if their gonna run with ray tracing.

Fun Fact: You can play consoles on your computer monitor. :slight_smile: