Never been Silenced, or Suspended or Banned

So I have never been suspended or banned ever, all of a sudden this new roll out I got suspended for 7 days is this normal I thought you got like a Silence or some kind of warning before a suspension. I dont know but everyone says you shouldnt be suspended if first offense.


Well, how bad was it? Did you drop all the taboo, no-no words in one sentence?

TBF Blizzard doesn’t care if someone else did it first.


What was the action issued for? The silence > suspension > longer suspension is for social infractions. Something like, for example, exploiting will not give a silence, since it wasn’t a social issue. This happened with reputation exploits early into the expansion, for instance. Those players were given a suspension, and not a silence, even for first offenders.


Yeah that’s new and it wouldn’t start with a silence. 7 days seems to be normal for that.


That’d presumably fall under a griefing offense, it wouldn’t be a social penalty, so it doesn’t use the 7-day silence > suspension > escalating suspensions. There’s a pinned thread in GD about it actually. I’d link, but, mobile atm.

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I guess I just get unbanned and stay in these groups that are awful and do nothing so dont get banned I guess. I say that cause only groups I leave are toxic people or people that absolutely just dieing over and over and over on trash and not going to time the key anyways. But guess that isnt allowed lol


You can always attempt to appeal, if you think the action was unwarranted. Otherwise, that’s unfortunately the best advice I can give at the moment.


All you can do OP


For sure get that appeal in. We all know how frustrating pugging can be at times. Be warned appeals can take a few tries before you get a final outcome, and the outcome may not be what you’re hoping. Best of luck though.

I’m sure there is some nuance to how M+ leaving penalty is handled, and being that this is a new rule. It will be interesting to see the ins and outs of it. Since we know little to nothing about how it is enforced at this point.

Yeah I know they wont change but still makes no sense that they suspend accounts cause you leave crap groups, and believe pugging 14 hours a day your get a lot of bad bad groups. But they dont seem to think so I guess. I know one morning took 10 groups to get one to even complete on time. So yeah. dont know what they look at but they need to look at more then oh they left. they need to look at their log infos and see how crap those groups are or what they may have said etc… and the abusive language that flys in chat when you leave a group should be looked at also

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While I can understand your frustration, I would strongly urge you to appeal since you seem to believe the action unwarranted. At the very worst, they tell you no. At best, you get your action overturned, the mark on your account cleared, and gametime added to compensate the missed time. An appeal is specifically for them to have a different person review the logs.


yeah they said they did but they didnt. So know i have to wait but I gaurantee I will be reporting every bad word every leave, every little thing for now on, so funny they can ban their player base but cant ban all these Paysite adds to funny. But thanks for the chat see you on the 3rd with my report button in hand lol.

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If you got a response back, you can try again, until they tell you that further appeals will not be considered/could become GM harassment. If you hit that point, you’ve unfortunately reached the end of the road.


Sometimes you have to put in several appeals. Keep trying. Do not harass them, or be rude. Maintain professional discourse with them.


It said not to and I only put in one lol.

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They did review the matter, Iasun, and compared it to the data that our Hacks team provided. I’m afraid you seem to have reached the threshold that they had for this action.

Understand, the number wasn’t small. As they said, they understand the occasional leave but there were scores that took that number beyond reasonable.

You are welcome to appeal again, but I don’t know if the outcome will be any different.


Sounds to me that the system is working as intended then.


then they dont play their game to see that when you play 14 hours a day and you leave 10 groups that day your going to leave a lot more groups with the awful community that is so toxic and players that dont even know what they doing expect you to stay and wipe for hours no not going to happen not with this guy. But I will make sure to report people for being bad in keys and breaking them and cursing and everything else cause reporting is what we do now so reporting it is for sure. And thats all I have to say on this matter.