Neutral Auction House no longer worth the time

I hereby award you the Necro Lord of the Day title. :grinning:

As far as I know, that was always true. Many years ago I played WoW with 2 accounts – just so that I could use the neutral AH to transfer things between Alliance and Horde.

But you can! You just need 2 accounts. But in retail you don’t need the neutral AH. You can do this in the normal AH, which is merged.

Blizzard has done quite well, thanks – in fact, better than any other MMO in the history of the planet. So your “you have to stop” claim is pure nonsense.

That’s one player’s opinion. Obviously Blizzard disagrees, since they forbid this many, many years ago.

Gee, I didn’t know that! In fact, it is easily disproven. Does Blizz sell pancakes? That makes money. Does Blizz sell sneakers? That makes big money!

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You can mail account bound items.

You’ve literally never been able to buy from yourself, dude.


At this point the Bootybay neutral ah is a Longboi convention.

It’s just another location of the dual faction auction house now.

I think we should be able to send regular mail to our characters on the same account and realm even if they are different factions.

If they wanted you to character transfer items/gold they would let you do it via mailbox instead of having some convoluted method through a neutral auction house.

It’s been this way for many years. The rules you think others should live by are not part of the wow reality.

Then why did they remove the ability to do this on the neutral auction house, then…?

(It’s because, as I said, they don’t want you doing it.)

Would love them to let us share everything between our alts of course, though. But it’d be best if it was just through the mail.

At a pretty big loss, I can send things to alts even on a different faction, I’d been sending heirloom waterwalking tokens to all of my alts, and one character had to sell hers to have a little gold. Cost me 40g, only got 10g, but got gold into the hands of a nub that otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to. Account bound stuff can be sent.

ROFLMAO beat me to it! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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It’s not because “they don’t want you doing it”. They didn’t want you trading directly with an alt on the same account of a different faction. That is what is prevented by the current system. To buy something of your own listing on a different account is simple and easy. And they get their cut.

We should be able to send regular mail to our alts on the same server. Cross server would be problematic for economic manipulation.

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If you’re not on a dead server, just pick up mining and herbing. You will make your flying gold in a day.

…you can’t put those on the auction house, so it’s kind of irrelevant :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah… that’s a pretty big loss.
you could have detoured to timeless isle and looted a few account-bound epic gear tokens at zero cost, and sent those over and vendored them.
or looted some of the account-bound gear items which are all over the ground in pandaria to vendor
or caged and sold some pets on the new realm.

Yeah but you did say never!

context human. context! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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