Neutral Auction House no longer worth the time

They want you to learn it, then pay to transfer a toon across faction. Then back again, likely.

Yeah, I figured that out too. $80 later, sure I can get the item to Alliance, or $40 if I transfer my Horde toon to Ally and leave him there. Unbelievable.

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Sorry. I hate to be right on this one.

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I wonder if I create a Horde clothie, learn the spell, make the item and learn the mog, if I would get that mog account wide? I hate to say it, but probably not, and who really want to have to do that much just for one item? Sigh.

you can’t buy your own auctions.

this has never been possible.

don’t worry, you’re not.

unless it’s faction specific, yes, you would.

what is the item?


Why are you even here?

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to correct all the wrong and misleading information being posted.


Well then try harder. Everyone knows blizz will do literally anything for money, including locking a horde side pattern and making you pay to transfer a toon to get it. AS THE PERSON I REPLIED TO SAID. So mind your own business and try to live up to your user name.

only… this stuff has been in place since before faction changes were a thing…

players can still facilitate cross faction purchases with the help of a friend.

…and without knowing the actual item, it may not even be possible.
like i said, some items are faction specific.

if you want a private chat, a forum probably isn’t the ideal place to do it.


The item is a pattern only available from a Horde vendor in Tarren Mill. Shadow Protection potion.

P.S. There are some items still transferable across factions on the same account: account-bound items such as Benthics. I’ve sent my Horde 2 pieces from one of my Alliance toons.

Because you have never been able to buy your own auctions.


ask in alliance trade if anyone can make the potion.

this is not a horde only potion.
the recipe need to be purchased horde side, but it can be listed on the AH for alliance to buy.

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True, but only by another account. I understand now. Thanks.


sorry I couldn’t resist.

AH’s have functioned like this for so long, they may as well have “always” been this way. you can’t buy/sell your own items

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if someone on alliance side can make the potion, you can buy it from them to make the gloves.

you don’t need a second account for that.


Beat me to it :slight_smile:

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Start a second account. That’ll cost you $15. Roll a level 1 on the faction you want to buy with on your new account. You can buy your own items on a different account even if it’s the same bnet. Then just mail the item to the designated recipient on your original account. Let your new account expire if you don’t need it. You can reactivate it if you do need it again.

In classic I had a horde and alliance toon stationed at the AH in Gadzetzan and Booty Bay to transfer items to be auctioned in Stormwind, because things I farmed as Horde couldn’t be sold because of the dead economy.

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This is true across all 500+ realms based on one person’s post.

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I’m glad it’s gone. Who can trust auctioneers with their luke-warm gray hearts full of neutrality. They sicken me.

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