Neutral Auction House no longer worth the time

It’s been years since I’ve used the Neutral AH since I heard years ago that Blizzard changed it so you couldn’t buy your own AH from the other faction .

What’s the point of having a Neutral AH if you can’t sell something on Horde side to buy it on your Alliance side or vise versa since the only reason you would use this AH is to have gold on that faction .

I found myself making a Alliance on my Horde realm not realizing that once I hit 70 I wouldn’t be able to afford to pay for epic flying. First world problem I know but it’s frustrating to not be able to use a feature that was taken away like so many others just to be a complete utter d!ck .

So now I have to keep leveling and wait until I get my gf to play again to either buy my crappy AH items for thousands of gold or just give me the gold .
Or to xfer one of my 120 alliances to my horde server which makes Blizzard money but has me leaving my old realm .

If you expect people to continue to play the game then you have to stop tying their hands behind their backs. There is nothing wrong with using a AH to sell on my Alliance to gain currency from my Horde buying that Auction out .

These are the days that most people have multiple toons of each faction across all servers that they’ve played on so this feature would be quite a good Quality of Life issue to be resolved .


This feature is not really of much value with the combined auction house now.

I started playing on a dead rp server with zero gold a little over a month ago and I have 60k gold and 3 lvl 3 garrisons. It was nice having to earn that gold.

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There is no neutral AH anymore. Back in I think WoD they combined all of the auction houses. Alliance, Horde and neutrals are now just one cross-faction pool across the entire server.

It would be nice if alts could buy your stuff, but they probably don’t want gold transfers to be that easy across factions.


I thought it was still there in booty bay, you mean they actually removed it ? Not that it was of any use but given OP’s thread I thought it was still there.

do the old buy and sell pet trick

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It’s still there, but I don’t think it’s neutral. It’s just another vendor tied into the same common AH.


Nope it’s gone. You can use Booty Bay auctioneers, but it’s the same AH no matter where you go.


Did that happen to coincide with the release of token sales by any chance?

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No, you haven’t been able to use that auction that way years before that, pretty sure it was cata when I had to get a friend to help me with transferring gold over.


Were you able to use alts to buy your main’s auctions at some point? I swear I remember having to get my brother to help, even back in Wrath.


They didn’t “change” this, that’s how the AH has always functioned.


Yeah I remember having to make a lowbie and coordinate with my wife or a guildie to move gold over back in the day.

You’ve always needed help IIRC. It’s been a long time but I recall helping a friend with this.

Well after 12 years , I tend to forget the little things and this is one of them.

However it could be beneficial to alts to allow this . Since someone mentioned tokens , Blizzard is too greedy to give something like this to it’s subs .

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Due to Alliance laziness, nothing was crafted on their side… Blizzard opened the market to Horde Multinational Super Corporations (HMSC) so they could make billions of gold!

Irritating that Blizzard would remove the neutral AHs, particularly since there is one mog item in Tailoring that requires a Horde pattern. Now for completists like me that would love to get that mog, I can’t. I tried normal AH, the former neutral one in Gadgetzan, nothing. Even the alternative I thought might still work (making the potions on my Horde and sending them to my Alliance tailor) won’t work cause we can’t mail across factions at ALL anymore. Way to go Blizzard. It’s things like this that push me one step closer. It’s a low level mog too. In what way does this impact the game? NONE! Lore? Is that why we can’t do this cause the lore says we hate one another so much we won’t trade? Fine, keep your lore just as you want Blizzard, but for all that is fun in gaming, remember BOTH factions. Please?!? :confounded:

Major necro, but all AH are neutral AH now. Have been for years.


Who cares? They’re neutral AHs in name only.

In functionality as well.

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Sorry, but no. I just tried at both. Tell me what I’m missing? It says “no auctions available” whenever I try and buy my Horde toons potion.