Neutral Allied Race Half-Orc/Human

Half Orc Half Human

100% awesomeness

Neutral Allied Race

orc belong horde no neutral orc zug zug no neutral peace keeper



Grom type leaner orc body type with less piggish face

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Unironically this.

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Which is no different than saying a half-human belongs to the horde, if his other half happens to be orc

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I’m not seeing the contradiction here. Orc belong Horde.

Now stop.

Fine. Half Ogre-half human looking exactly as half Orc half human would look like.

I win.

Ogres are proto-Orcs and thus are Horde.



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You can’t culturally appropriate your way out of the Horde.


A half orc, half human hybrid race could absolutely work as a neutral race.
However… eww. No.

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Half orc?

You want mok’nathals?

They are horde 100%

Did Garona start a family?

What would we be Half Orc Half man and half what?

But half Orc and half what exactly?

They actually introduced another half-orc/draenei in the draenei heritage quest. The ones raised with draenei call themselves oshu’nei.

So kinda neat.


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Someone hasn’t read the WoW books. Half-orcs exist in the lore and lived in Stormwind. Just for your information.

Would I personally like to see any? Nope. But they were still neutral.

Join the Horde if you want to be cool.

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