
Can the alliance get the Manari than? Would finally give the Draenei a nice red skin customization and warlock class to boot :gift_heart:

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I mean, if you wanna spend your draft pick on a pallet swap, I won’t stop ya.

For our 2nd round pick, the Horde takes…mmm, Satyrs. Gives us a legitimate claim to Ashenvale and Felwood. Anything to piss off the NEs.



Well, people seem to underestimate actions of Illidan.
(I took it from Nobbel’s videos, not from personally playing, so could be wrong)

First of all, the blased crystal that releases its energy into the Well of Eternity (you know, the thing that accelerates cycle of rebirth), after the cinematic of Sargeras trying to grab the ship with that crystal (could be a conisidence).

And secondly, him linking Argus to Outlands during the starting part of demon hunter quests.

So, not that impossible.

gl hf

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