
Yeah…but why though? Why would a netherwing dragonflight just want to be effectively servants of the blacks? Why wouldn’t they want to be their own thing? I mean, it’s not like they have any particular love for the black dragonflight in general with how Sinitharia basically sold them to the Dragonmaw.

Because it’s better than being ignored, which is probably the alternative?

Wanting to be in the Accord doesn’t mean you get to. If you can have a voice through the BDF, that’s better than nothing.

But then that goes right back to the first thought: Why would they be ignored?

Nobody in the Accord seem like the kind of people who would just scoff at the idea of other dragons joining. Hells most of them would probably be very happy to have other types of dragons to join the family so to speak.

I mean, as noted before they let the very corrupted black dragons into the Wyrmrest Accords during the Nexus War. Why would they suddenly look at netherdrakes and go “Ya’ll can’t come in lol”


They WOULD let them join. I just think they’d consider them Black Dragons. Just like I think they’d consider Infinites to be Bronzes.

I feel the Netherwing and Black Dragonflight would have completely different goals and intentions, warranting their own voice. It would be similar to lumping several of the Horde races together at the council table, or the Dwarves.

If they they agree to let Wrathion be their voice, fine, but I don’t think he would see them as anymore than tools in his mission to fight X, where X is whatever main antagonist the writers say he has a score to settle with.

Some did appear to be fed to Twilight Dragons. If I remember correctly one of the dungeons had a Nether Dragon being used to feed one of the human bosses. You had to block her and her followers from feeding on his energy.

I find it weird that “proto nether drakes” are literally basilisks.

Actually, proto nether drakes would be black dragons

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Well ingame they are basilisks :P.

I don’t remember seeing a proto-nether…

They’re the shadowy basilisk looking creatures.

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Something to keep in mind is that the post-TBC stories involving Nether Dragons indicated that they can’t really safely come to Azeroth for any significant amount of time; proximity to the fonts of arcane energy that exist all over the planet (the Nexus, various Wells, etc.) drives them insane and makes them hunger for magic.

So them coming to Azeroth would be dangerous to them and to others, and were they to then travel to Wyrmrest and join the other dragons it would be really dangerous.

Plus Malygos proved capable of basically just absorbing Nether Dragons into himself, so they’d have probably been more of a liability than a benefit during the Nexus War.

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It was confirmed though that the mutation cured them of any whispers and freed them from being corrupted. It’s why instead of the Twilight Cult trying to twist or corrupt them they simply butchered them and absorbed their energies. That being stated, the Accord still has a heart out for Proto-drakes - they care about all dragon kind. Alexstrasza hated what the Black Dragonflight became because they use to be dear friends to her prior to corruption, she had a heavy heart Malygos was slain too. As for the Infinite Dragonflight - they accepted a bargain with the Old Gods / potential other powers in the future and shattered the timeways to avoid their own death henceforth they’re another story lol.

would really like an expansion about healing outlands to become Draenor…Not AU draenor, but like some terraforming etc and just healing the planet to become well you know… circular shaped with oceans etc
wouldnt require major phasing etc, you could probably have the goblins make Zangarmarsh to still have the same ecosystem by building a wall or something around it like a dam or something. They have those “blalballa in a box”

Anyways this got me thinking about Oshu’gun and the naaru there “keeping the spirits at bay/anchored” How does this tie to the shadowlands?

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I would love their voice to be Lord Sabellion the one black dragon they never seem to remember.

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the netherwing are kind of anomalous. they seemingly had none of the black dragon flight’s corruption, like the chromatic and twilight dragons had, despite being of the black dragonflight’s lineage. though, i guess either the fel or arcane energy used in their creation was responsible for that.

it would be nice if they could get some new lore after all these years. specifically about why they don’t seem to have the corruption.

My solution for Outland:
We teleport it to Azeroth and land it in the ocean on the opposite side of the world from the Maelstrom. We plug it into the planet, so that Azeroth’s World Soul can sustain it so it stops deteriorating.

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Like the idea but I also like the idea of having outlands be like a refuge for those that lost against the legion/void

I mean, Azeroth in general can just be that.

Hell, we should also have a bunch of demons showing up to live here who just have no place else to go and don’t know what to do with themselves now.

Dibs on Sayaad for Horde!

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