Nether-Gorged Greatwyrm missing / 6 month sub 2023

i did purchase the 6 month sub in 2023 and i did recieve the Nether-Gorged Greatwyrm mount. it is no longer in my mount collections.
thx for your time. have a fantastic day.

Sounds like the payment failed between then and now nulling the 6month sub hence the missing mount.

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no sir. i did in fact play for those 6 months under that sub.

What does your Transaction History show here on your Account Page?


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it shows, July 17, 2023, World of Warcraft Subscription 6 month offer, $83.40 complete.

Also, make sure that all filters are checked in your mount journal in game.


i did and it is grayed out.

So were at a impass atm theres 2 options as i see it.

  1. You can go under account management and payments and ask for a refund but im 99% certain it will be denied as uve been playing it for months now theres a very small window where u can ask for a refund blizzard wont refund it on there own the player has to do it them selves

  2. If nones of the suggestions have helped the blues in the morning mite be able to shed some light.

You can put in a ticket under Purchase Failure and ask them what happened to the mount from that sub promo.

Ticket Link:


i also have a 2 day 16 hour wait on my ticket.

Hmm, the Nether-Gorged Greatwyrm was a sub promo in July 2022.

Then in November 2022, the Nether-Gorged Greatwyrm mount was included in the 12-month sub promo.

July 2023 was the Wondrous Wavewhisker mount

October 2023 had the 12-month sub offer:


2.5 days isnt bad id wager ull hear back sooner or orlyia or vrak mite shed some light in the morning.

Did you replace teh CC at all in that time.

no, i still have the same card.
i have had this card since 2022.

to Kyzera
yes i do have the Wondrous Wavewhisker mount.

if it turns out that i am wrong about this, i will apologize and take my lumps.


Yes, this is the issue. The post shows that the new July 2023 promotion was live on July 10. So…

You would’ve received the Wondrous Wavewhisker for that 6-month subscription.

No need to apologize or take any lumps. Just a simple misunderstanding that I’m glad we were able to help with. :slight_smile:


Well, it seems i was mistaken. I do apologize & i will take the arrows of being wrong. Thank you all for your help. :grin:

Now its time for the year sub. I will be purchasing it.