if that’s true +respect but I highly doubt it.
lol what integrity
You are completely insufferable.
The “they” in my sentence is implying to US right wingers. Not China.
good, stop giving our art and virtual worlds to them and they can censor themselves into oblivion.
You realize that China is extremely intolerant of ‘woke culture’ right?
Your point makes absolutely no sense.
Basically if D4/OW2/WoW have gay characters they would have to be censored in China, which creates a PR disaster in every other region. This is my best guess.
As i said, the “they” in my sentence is American Right Wingers.
That’s what happens when you do business with a backwards society.
Oof you need to be there at the start of DF when the americans were complaining about gay centaurs.
I’m so confused.
What do ‘right wingers’ have to do with extremely intolerant and extremely xenophobic China?
You realize China is far worse than ‘right wingers’ right?
It really depends, didn’t you guys just recently started to assault black & chinese old people in USA?
Seems fitting to me.
Blizzard no longer stands for what it use to be.
Oh no!
BlackLivesMatter and StopAsianHate. Look it up, its basically American racism.
I’m so confused.
Don’t waste your time. This dude loves to gaslight people. He’s also a xenophobic racist that thinks all americans are evil murderous “colonizers.”
You can’t be real. I’m getting punked by Chat-bot AI.
They gave some server code for 11.0x and Anduin comes home with a husband, China said we’re making ours a wife and Blizzard was like how can we balance this with our “new” image?!?
Tell me i am wrong, that those movement doesn’t exists.