Bump! Still not fixed.
I Just Seen A druid in Ashenvale killing our alts and they got away useing this exploit… And also avoid a picnic.
Blizz please fix this bug since every other class besides druids are able to be netted
Still isnt fixed but we understand blizz is working on an amazing shadowlands
Bump saw a Druid plant a mana bomb in the orgrimmar orphanage!!! And flew away without being able to be netted and taken down by the city defenders! Do we not remember theramore! please let us not forget history or we are doomed to repeat it! Please fix this bug before it’s too late and we are all doomed!!! This rp message is approved by the commander himself!
Bump, a druid phished my bank account password and flew away faster than I could change it. I’m going to foreclose on my mortgage and lose my kids now. If only a net could’ve stopped him.
you sure it was a him? hmmm
Bump still not fixed.
Morning coffee bump !
Afternoon snack bump.
Tuesday bump! Let’s get this fixed please!
Bump! its teusday!
Tuesday night bump.
Still no fix! Druids using this bug to avoid being netted!
Bump! its weds!
Bump needs fix!
Bump, let’s get this fixed by next Tuesday Blizzard!
Bump, not fixed.
Bump, not fixed