yes yes I did
The now dead druid that plummeted to their death right in front of my face begs to differ.
He probably doesn’t know how to do this then.
Bump saw a druid using this game breaking bug this morning in Durotar killing low levels and none of the 120s could stop him because he could not be netted!!! please fix this bug!
Bump, saw a druid using this in Barrens killing lowbies!
Bump, saw a druid spend 50 bucks while avoiding net.
Fix now!
A druid murdered my children, stole my wife, and burned my crops while avoiding being netted by security. I won’t survive the winter. Please fix.
Bump, a druid avoided being netted with this bug after killing people out in front of Durotar at the end of duels! Please fix!
hope they fix this tuesday.
Bump I can’t disrupt rp sessions in darkshire because these druids are un killable with this bug please fix!!!
The zone disruption these druids are causing is insane!!!
Two druids were doing this in Hyjal, camping the lowbies and then avoiding net with this bug!
Bump saw a Druid 1 shot someone with this I couldn’t even believe it!!! Druids have managed to do the impossible!!! Please fix this bug!!! It has become a game changing exploit!!!
Bump group of druids were using it in Eastern Plaguelands camping near Stratholme! Impossible to net them when they use this bug
Bump still not fixed!
A druid used this bug to poison my water supply, burn my crops, and delivered a plague onto my house!
He did?
But are we just gonna wait around until he does?!
Who’s with me?
Tried to net a druid in flight form and the druid just landed while still in flight form and was not able to be netted – blizz please fix
Bug still not fixed!