Ner'zhul Alliance Reconnections

BARG!!! sup bro good to see you alive.

hey dude! we are planning on rolling horde on whitemane as well!

Dorack, Human Warrior. many guilds, i ran with a bunch of the PvP premades.

You going to whitemane ally?

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I was the original GM of DoD. WoW was our 3rd game. Started as a clan in 2001. Many of us are still around. I will not be GMing this time around. C ya on Whitemane


Hell yea i remember you guys,let me know what server u guys are gonna pick.We got a few old peps coming back also

Good Times

Xiten - Dwarf Pally

Anyone from Sky or beginning of Blue Moon around??

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Hey everyone

Balzamon- Dwarf Paladin

Guild Leader of Red Hands. Great time of my life. Anyone else former members of Red Hands? Several of us old guild members looking to do vanilla.

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60 F Gnome Rogue
Blue Moon
Jolly Rogers
Disciples of Death

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What’s up Xylia, Purples, Passionate.

Magester here - the one and only. I miss you awesome nerds and am excited to relive old memories :slight_smile:

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I see that I beat KT twice in NAXX, what guild would I have been in? LOL. It’s been so long. I miss those times so much!

Sorry, Magester here. I was forced to rename my toon.

Alise - NE Rogue

Whats up man? This is “boogerboo”, i used to play a mage in your guild. Its cool to see an old guildy on here. You find anyone else? Matheos, rollin, rangerdad? Good times!

Galuff Dwarf Warrior, came in fairly late vanilla, but I was there. Still here now for that matter lol.

Guilds were:
The Pure
Dark Storm

Animalmagic, Gnome, Mage… anyone from dinosaur still out there…

there are tons more I just cant remember

Vigmundr, Dwarf Paladin
guild was Carnage
I remember Maeve, Raeve, Dager i think it was spelled and a few others

Sugarbear and Foofie here. NE Priest and Human Mage.

We were members of a few guilds, but primarily Carnage.

Most likely playing Horde this time around though, but wanted to say what’s up!