MaddBird - Night elf Hunter
DoD, Vendetta, Bears of Oboo, Artifice.
Hades - Draenei Shaman
MaddBird - Night elf Hunter
DoD, Vendetta, Bears of Oboo, Artifice.
Hades - Draenei Shaman
Holy crap Booger!!! Matheos and Rollin are still here. Do you have instagram?
awesome! IG is @derek_idi
bnet ID: DaddyD#1925
Oh snaps what up dude! been many years!
Commander Ayukawa here I believe I ran some premades back in the day with a few of you. I had the strats haha. Northern Sky and before that it was named something else I can’t remember.
I remember world pvping with some guys from diablo 2 and quake 3 arena we played together. Beshaba Dynes and Tarmos. Also all the peeps from NS.
Hey It’s Balzamon from Red Hands. Long time no talk. Hows everything going?
I’m going Pagle and Thainos. I’ll definitely make one on Whitemane though
Oh it’s nice to see you again Maddm, we raided together in Artifice
Do you know if Naaruu and Smokecloud still play, raided with them in Blue Moon in TBC
Hey Xiten!!
Arianium/Nasolva aka Jake hope life’s been treating you well! I’m coming back for classic, playing on whitemane.
Hey!! All is good! You got a guild lined up? Join up the Ner`zhul discord!
I remember you both, Tofer, Human warrior. Was in Vendetta at the very end of Vanilla and switched to Veritas when bc came out.
DANNAMOTH! I remember him!
Assassinator and Solarity are planning to revive DoD on Alliance Whitemane. If you remember them, might be good to get in touch! Assassinator set up a DoD discord.
Hey there Kaleen, I had some close calls over the years but It’s crazy to see everyone coming together! I definitely remember you, when did we group together?
hello everyone
wait youre still playing? whats this horde toon?! i asked sahar to come play lol
Rubthesleep - NE Druid
rubthesleepy - Human Priest
NBK (bc)
Local Defense (wrath)
Jolly Rogers
Discord: Rubbly#0167
i talk to a lot of you still already but always down to chats more
NECI!!! whats up!
This is Warriorcloud the fury warrior from when we raided together in BC!
Warriorcloud - Angelic Advocates (AA)
sad i haven’t seen anyone from AA post here yet