Pogo - Gnome Warlock
Jolly Rogers/NO MOO
Jibbs - Warrior
The One the Only (Hi Amer)
Pogo - Gnome Warlock
Jolly Rogers/NO MOO
Jibbs - Warrior
The One the Only (Hi Amer)
Ultimecia - Human Mage
Shadow fire
Ths, Night Elf Rogue.
Gameslave, Vendetta
Playing Fairbanks Alliance.
Feefer Gnome Mage
Shadow Prophecy
epic raid leader would yell in your face at all times
I played:
Ellestra - NE Druid
Eilindrimm - NE Hunter
Did a lot of raiding to AQ40 and got to rank 10 in PvP grinding with some fellow Ner’Zhul alliance guild members.
No recollection of guild names, but I recognize some of the others on this thread!
Tschep, Dwarf Paladin
Virtutis, Gnome Warrior
Guilds: Faith and Honor, DietCokeTin
Nice to see some familiar names in this post.
Amer!! You bought me my epic mount when i was still a lil fella, was originally named Manituremage LOL. Ill never forget <3
Cide (Mage)
and Parts (Warrior)
I don’t remember guild names though. Would be interesting to meet up with former peeps!
its me ninjuh
human warlock
carnage , the one the only
Signum Caelestis
House of Science
Scorched Earth
Sup Murtukk, Chise, Twee, Alleron!
Maidenmarin/Mlitantmarin and Nukleas will be rolling with me on some WoW Classic.
ördögi- human rogue
Alvar- gnome warrior
Turbo Cyborg Ninjas
Blue moon
Unholy Alliance
Local Defense
I was in others but i literally cannot remember them for the life of me… I know i used to play with ozzman and deathcabforqt? or something close to that damn its been so long since i’ve seen them
Xuvzy, Gnome Mage (ProPain- My PvP guild)
Nijeem, Night Elf Rogue
I Don’t remember any guilds I was in. I had my own called Propain. I spent most of my time PvPing and getting premade BG’s going (2005-2006)
Looking For Moosemeat or Slick. Or anyone that remembers having a blast with me in PvP.
Looking to hook back up with some old guildies or find a new guild for classic. I came to Nur’zhul from Venture Co at the end of BC and Raided as a holy paladin named Sarhia. I remember Amer also.
Past clans
Obsidian Fists - Venture Co
Natural Born Killers - Nur’zhul
Carnage - Nur’zhul
Vexillatio - Nur’zhul
I raided end game through the end of cataclysm i think. Xferred over with Nightstar, Hawke, and a couple others. Anyways, hope to see some of you back in vanilla.
Trinton - Holy Pally - Natural Born Killers (short time) - Nur’zhul
Delsoul - Priest - Human - " "
Qynn - Hunter - Elf - " "
I played through a few different guilds, but it’s been so long.
I only remember a few guild member names: Suzycoo and Marsattacks
I have a few real life friends that will be back as well. It would be nice to see some old friends from back in the day!
The Janissary
Night Elf Priest
If you visit the wowwiki.Fandom page for Ner’zhul (can’t include a link here), then scroll to the section on “Server Professionals,” you might see a few names you know from long ago. They might not all be here now, but still fun to scroll through and remember.
Here’s a sample for you:
Still on the fence about coming back… i havent played since the beginning of legion… and just remembering how bad the game was back then gives me chills…
haven’t seen you since like 2010 when you randomly appeared and called someone an idiot for me in ironforge!
Sup Amer, Kaline here
Human Paladin
was in The One The Only and later in Eternal in TBC lemme know if any of you guys see this and wanna play again