Your chromatically tempered sword will be mine ._. ha!
Amihuman ( Human Mage)
Kittysafe (NE Druid)
Sinful Intent
Local Defense
Nothing Personal
Disciples of Death
The Burning Brotherhood
Vault of Whispers
The Great Pug
Insult to Injury
Turbo Cyborg Ninjas
Fallen Heroes
Just a few that I remember so far
Currently just messing around on Bleeding hollow playing on horde as a Enh Shammy
Oh snaps whats up dude!
Night Elf Rogue
Might play horde this time around, who knows.
Donarg-Gnome rogue.
(blue moon for a short time)
(The forty thieves)
(Materia aka formerly known as hokuten)
Just looking to roll alliance again with my long lost wow buddies
Erna- Dwarf priest
Will be playing a priest again
Arena buddy!
Guzofwar Blood Elf Paladin
This is Dene - Holy Pally
what was the gm’s name again?
Hey it’s Mindblaster - Dorifu hope to see you guys in Classic!
Xoji the dwarf hunter in Vanilla!
Apotheosis, Vendetta, GameSlave (yeah yeah…)
Can’t wait to get back in there for Classic!
What’s up Grey (and anybody else)
I was Alliance: Dustysun, Dustymoon, Dustyshadow etc…
Guilds: Shadowfire, Indifference
Moved from Whitemane to Bigglesworth: Dustymoon (mage), Dustysoul (priest), Dustyshadow (rogue)
Xwolf NE hunter and Xmend Human Priest- there were a few of us with X in the front of the names
Scorched Earth
^Neci (Rogue)
Delusions Of Glory aka DOG (GM)
Bargadiel - Nightelf Warrior
Delusions of Glory
Sinful Intent
Disciples of Death
Legion to now:
Jolly Rogers (casual)
Turbo Cyborg Ninjas (casual)
Local Defense (casual, Mage: Vaporwave)
^^Alleron, NE Hunter
Scorched Earth
Hey Murtukk, Chise, Twee!
Britinknight, NE Rouge (heh)
Red Hands
Jolly Rogers
welcome back boys
Glad to hear both you are coming back!
Elysianfield, mage
Lots of familiar names in here! Did a lot of pugging way back when but some guilds:
Divine Fury
Nothing Personal
Team Lightning