Nervous to play battlegrounds now

If you actually play & participate, you won’t get banned.

we have data analysts poring over a variety of metrics that we collect, to look for a lack of participation. There is no single metric that gives a clear picture, so we look at a variety of metrics to make sure we allow a variety of valid play styles.

  1. If they were actually banned on accident, they should no longer be banned (Refer to bluepost link above)
  2. Don’t believe everything you read. Like, come on. If I got banned, I’d also be saying “banned for no reason”.

Every single BG I encounter AFKers at GYs. And yes, I do report them.

I’ve capped multiple toons on AH, and so have 1000’s other people. And they are all fine.

So, just play the game mate. Don’t afk. Play & you will be fine.

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the only automatic behavior is the application of a debuff that prevents you from gaining honor until you engage in PvP combat, which can be seen in-game.

naw, if someone caught a ban … they where doing something abnormal

Its not about going afk, its about being REPORTED as being afk. The system can detect if youve gone afk.
The problem is that there are people running around in the BG that see people playing newly boosted characters, and report them as afk, and calling for others to report the “afk” and are doing it as a form of protest against boosted characters.

I used to enjoy the occassional BG. Now that you can get a 30 day suspension for a first offense, definitely not going to go anywhere near a BG, Classic or Retail. Its just not worth it anymore.

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I’ll do whatever quest that’s offered.

I pay a sub just like everyone else and I also don’t see the need to take AV so seriously. It has always been a place to farm easy honor.

And if people were actually taking AV seriously, 95% of the matches wouldn’t be less than 10 minutes long.

Both sides just run to the end and whoever kills first wins.

Man, not gonna lie i have never once seen you post a good comment, its always elitist toxic garbage


AV quests are part of the BG. If players want to do them, they should be able to without fear of being reported. Anyone reporting players doing legitimate quests should be suspended, not those doing the quests.


I pay as well and I don’t pay for you to not contribute.


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I’ve honestly been reported for trying to farm honor too.

Got whispered “people under 70 don’t belong here”. Then why does blizzard allow it? :thinking:

Can’t the people who don’t wanna play with people under 70 just do another bg? AV is the only one that allows it.

Or just form a premade…


Some of us enjoy AV and we DON’T enjoy lowbies ruining it. It’s simple. This game doesn’t cater to you to handicap other players.

70% of the 30 day bans were justifiable and light to be honest. I would have given at least 6 months. Stop ruining the game for others. Enjoy getting off lightly.


Form a premade.

That should solve all your problems.

You won’t and can’t win this argument :laughing:

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Go level and gear normally and come back when you can contribute and you won’t get reported.


I’ll play as soon as I hit 61 from now on and there’s nothing you can do about it.

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When did AFKing in BGs become acceptable

If you don’t enjoy PvPing dont queue for BGs, go kill boars or something

If you take AV during the prepatch seriously, I genuinely feel bad for you.

If you want to have some real fun playing av, join a premade and stomp people all night long.

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You’re not going to catch a 30 day over a mass report. Thats literally just made up

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Agreed these people are pulling straw from the straw mans hat.


There it is, the perfect culmination of Classic.

Everyone needs to stop feeling entitled to do the content put into the game. Some people aren’t paying money to allow you to do content.
If I catch you doing content, I will report you.

Yeah, im sure they reviewed hundreds or thousands of people on the same day to ban them. Try to get a real person at Blizzard and come back to tell me they Have that many people reviewing these reports

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It was reviewed. Blizzard said it as such. People who are still banned are guilty.



I had a match today it wasn’t the 1 or 2 on cave quest for the loss.

It was ye old…lets sit noob hill. and horde flipped east and west tower. with many people there on the meme’d hill. and we on tp and ibt were going sigh…

stand by flag till it burns…not a hard concept. even for east and west frost towers.