Nerubians and The War Within

Nah, despite their aesthetics & intentions being rather horrifying and dark — They built ‘The Black Empire’ which even Azshara who had built a utopia thought it was “magnificent!”

If I recall correctly, Chronicles states the Old Gods got pretty infuriated with jealous zeal that the Highborne & Night-Elf Empire society and civilisation had come to stand so highly in comparison to the once magnificent Black Empire that had stood proudly.

  • Fel is the ordeal of disorder, as they represent chaos – However despite this, Sargeras along with his Eredar allies managed to implement order amongst them to magnify their devastation – in the name of his crusade.
  • Old Gods, Void Lords & their creations tend to stand as either consumers or melders of their respective proportions & intent of their personalities — so much so, as we’ve seen them evolve towards their own ambitions in contrast to others of their kind.

Personally, I rather liked the void & old-gods having unique elements to them.

  • C’Thun had a sadistic calm, that seemed intense & terrifying (for its time of release)
  • N’Zoth seemed like a stereotypical cliche with the void & whatnot, with the same old typical colours and tropes
  • Yogg’Saron felt interesting since he magnified the emotions of love & affection into obsession, then feasted upon the collapsed consequences of such with the emotions of anxiety and despair – All whilst weaving its will & machinations onto others.
  • Y’Shaarj felt unique, terrifying and ominious with its sha along with whispers that magnified depending on the emotion that its power represented and had a different take on colour schemes (Sky-Box included).

And finally you have Xal’Atath who genuinely helps those who aid her & provided her power — which is honestly probably the most wisest and strategic play, to prevent dissenters and creating unnecessary enemies who are fueled by vengeance (eg. Azshara with N’Zoth).

:crossed_fingers: :grin: :crossed_fingers: Hoping there’s Void Lords & Void Naaru in the future who have their own unique personalities, loyalties, ambitions and goals beyond the rest of their kind — Because the story & writing of it is unpredictable, exciting and far more intresting.

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Highly agree with this. I find myself worried that the Void’s ultimate goal will turn out to be “consumption”. It’s hungry and it eats things and it’s big and purple. So far that’s what it seems to be shaping up to be, and it’s just… annoyingly unimaginative.

I know a lot of WoW’s storytelling hinges on a “future raid boss” mentality, but for once I’d like to see some villains with genuinely reasonable motivations.


Nerubian related but not tWW, I wonder how the Nerubians would view the faldorei (spider nightborne mutants)?

Poorly, most likely.

The Faldorei have a very deteriated mental state & aren’t very civilised either due to such, especially as opposed to the Nerubians – or heck, even the Mantid; to which the Nerubians in TWW frown upon already apparently.

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Yeah, Azj-Kahet definitely seems to have a bit of a superiority complex and nationalistic streak. The Faldorei would probably have an uncanny valley effect, where they look arachnidish while being clearly malformed and limited. That said, I’d be very interested to see what they think of the Aqir.

The Nightborne, on the other hand, would likely have a LOT in common with the Nerubians.

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iirc the current queen is heroic. It’s her daughter who overthrew her mother and sided with Xal’atath.

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I consider the daughter to be the Current Queen who as you stated is a usurper.

Is the previous Queen dead or alive?

As revealed in the max-level campaign, the old queen is currently a giant mindless monstrosity after her usurping daughter used her as a labrat for the “ascension” process.

I remember reading somewhere she helps us. Maybe she works with the player characters, but later gets captured and used as a guinea pig?

You might be confusing her for someone within the queen’s former court, which seems to be the friendly faction of nerubians.

Azj-Kahet looks like a realm in Eternal Night to contrast Hallowfall the Land of Sunset/Sunrise which turns into a Purple Dusk/Dawn abruptly.

They feel less outdoors than Ringing Deep and especially Zaralek Cavern!

Anyone know who voices the Nerubian commander Zev’kall ?

No. N’zoth admired Azshara for her intelligence and cunning and guile. And he considered the PC his chosen. He had no interest in killing us. Quite the opposite he made it clear time and time again he considered us special. He continually called us his Chosen and wanted us to willingly serve him and lead the armies of his black empire.


I am curious now if she has other children. I mean as a spider person I would assume she would have other kids. If not, she like the rest of Azerothian royalty seem to have an issue with making sure their lines of succession is fairly stable.

Of course, having only one potential heir does avoid intra heir fighting so there are pros and cons to both.


My guess is after the raid, the Nerubians will have a triumvirate government. The Weaver, The General and The Vizier.

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We might cure the old Queen who according to the notes read by the Characters is the chained up monster known as the First Ascended(the fact that Blizzard decided to show us her being injured by Ansurek though not the experimentation on her instead having a character explain what happened to her immediately after the Cutscene ended is baffling).

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So are we going to talk about the stealthed nerubians in both allied race embassies

nah thats apparently a glitch

Wait… what?

Disregard, Someone was using a tonic bug to create narubians inside the embassies in both horde and alliance

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