Nerubians and The War Within

Ah, thanks for explaining.

They felt alien in a way that Nerubians absolutely don’t.

And I so desperately wish their messed up line was actually intended.

“Your gods are not YOUR gods!”


Blizzard’s attempt to quote them used that messed up line rather than “Your Gods are not our Gods!”

Considering The Last Titan is going to change everything we know about the Titans and how Odyn told the Titan Keepers to attribute the works of the Old Gods to the Titans… That messed up quote may infact be accurate!

The Titans’ only confirmed base would be the Halls of Valor, Stormheim and Tyrhold which all somewhat resemble Antorus rather than the other Facilities which either resemble Ny’alotha, Pandaren/Mogu Architecture or Night Elven Architecture.

If we look at the Titan Facilities as works not built by the Titanforged or Titans but attributed to them for propaganda’s sake than it opens up Infinite Possibilities as the Void puts it.

Incidentally neither the Tribunal of Ages nor Progress Report: Uldorus mention Yogg-Saron being an Old God. Furthermore neither Algalon or the Tribunal of Ages mentions the Titans as being the Creators/Makers.

Of course Progress Report Uldorus does mention Loken looking into Yogg-Saron’s corruption of the wellspring on the Dragon Isles so if Yogg-Saron was one of the Creators who built Ulduar with Loken being his Prime Designate to go with the Titans’ own Prime Designate Odyn that says that Loken faked a house arrest of Ulduar’s ruler to gain the trust of his rebellious brethren then captured them for daring to side with Tyr and the Pantheon of Order and sicced 2 C’Thraxxi on Tyr himself.

Yogg-Saron being one of the Creators also not only says that he came in after the Titans noticed their Earthen being corrupted but also says that the Last Prison(which contained N’Zoth) which has Ulduar’s Architecture is Yogg-Saron’s creation to neutralize the Old God infestation. C’Thun not being chained from what we have seen would suggest that Yogg-Saron managed to strike a bargain with him to cease tampering with the Earthen and only needed to neutralize N’Zoth.

Wait that was a thing? I thought I remembered them saying that but figured I just misheard/misread.

I second desperately wishing that had been the intended line.

Yes. They eventually fixed it, but I was lucky enough to see/hear the original unedited line.