Nerubian Boots

Will our Nerubian characters have visible boot models? Or are their spider feets fated to go the way of Hooves/Paws/Troll Toes? Will I have to bust out my big ol trial of style boots for my poor spider’s toes in the snow?


Tiny feet and the thighs have a carapace, likely need special pants like dracthyr. If you want pants. :thinking:


You’re right. I really havent even seen any kind of foot coverage with any nerubian at all. Dang.

So do we have like a community wide consesus opinion that they’re gonna be locked out of most mogs like dracs?

Side note, slightly related: I cant help but notice that the shorter set of arms are never covered.

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Man they do have some tiny feet

Those poor nerubian women


Nerubians in 2025. Setting new standards for Mattel’s Barbies world wide.

You’re assuming they’ll be playable when there’s nothing confirming or deconfirming whether they are.


We’re talking about the same game where hunter’s spider pet leaves shoe footprints right?

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They keep promising to add the shoe model they were always meant to have, but never get around to it for some reason.


OMG, right? Because Blizzard saying everything possible to “confirm” their impending arrival as a playable race without actually officially saying they will be playable, doesn’t count. After all, why should we even bother talking about this, when Blizzard only announces a dwarf reskin as a major feature, marketing it as an allied race which is a feature that previously has never released with just one race, because we would surely question the integrity of Blizzard thinking that a sole reskin of an existing race as a major feature was enough. I mean it should all be obvious that something about that is suspicious but, I guess we should be good little sheep and not question things in life idk. Welp, what a load off my back. You really turned my life around. Thanks!

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I never got that impression, but we’ll see.


Hey, you know. Some people need to be facebook official for romance to be real. I’m not judging. I respect that. Until then, however, I’m just gonna be planning my footwear for hot spider ladies like I do with my barbies, thank you very much.

let me get this straight. a race that hasnt been confirmed in any way shape or form and likely will never be a race you now formulating boots for them?


Sure! I did it for Vulpera. How’s this different?

becuase its never gonna happen.

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It’ll be like…

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You ever see a spider foot up close? They’re basically lil paws

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We’re jumping the gun a little, eh?

Oh ho ho, really! Interesting claim. You got some insider knowledge on that one to back it up, breadisfunny? Or you just out here spitballing your legacy? Curious. Did you say the same thing to people who wanted vulps? Earthen? Maybe went so “far” as to say they were gonna be playable?

because it would require way too much work. also…all the stuff thats gonna be in war within has already pretty much been implemented. the devs arent going to introduce a new race this late into their build cycle for war within.


Are you like one of those people who disregard the development history and existence of our little fox friends, and diaper gnomes? Was augmentation revealed before Dragonflight revealed? How about 3 months in? And what tremendous amount of work are you referring to, when the race is probably already done if they are the humanoid nerubian type revealed at blizzcon? I mean for that matter, who even knows what’s done and what’s not for this upcoming aptly named expansion of ours? I certainly am not making such finite claims, nor am I even outright saying they’re coming in the next expansion. So I’m not exactly sure why you think you have the authority to say it’ll “never” happen.

I think you’re just trying to be negative. And hey if thats what helps you sleep at night, then alright. You do you. But I gotta admit, just as you think it’s funny that I’m planning footwear for my spider babe, I think it’s funny that you think you know the workflow and development process of this game so well that you can confidently throw the word never around so willy nilly. If you would care to inform us that you work at Blizzard, however, then please feel free to do so? And I will give you credit for that.