Nerub-ar Palace Ending Cinematic

It looks like every other early expac boss - a trifle before the bigger bad.

I try to glean something interesting from the basic, though.

The last 5 seconds seems a familiar scene…

I wonder if getting that royal family’s blood on that particular spot was the goal?


I liked it, especially with how Ansurek thought Xal’atath was pitying her. It just showed how she didn’t understand Xal’atath, even at the very end. Though with Xal’atath’s final line about the strongest winning be a rule of the Void, makes me wonder if it could be turned on her. Like say Alleria using the Void to destroy her or Azshara returning and dealing with her.

Meanwhile I have a question… Where do we get the Ansurek kill quest? I couldn’t find it Dornogal or the Weaver’s lair.


inb4 there isn’t one. Or it will come next week because of story mode releasing.

Side note. Doing the raid atm and the Nexus Princess appears to be working for someone. She states to her “master” that she has successfully infiltrated Ansureks court. Her master could be Xal’atath but part of me doubts that. Since Xal’atath already has Ansureks ear. My guess would be Shadreen.

Also you face a copy, not the real thing. She leaves after you “kill her”. Interestingly, it sounds like she had a bounty on Ansurek. She believes you will kill the Queen so she leaves. As she gets paid either way. But says that she will be back once our bounties grow. Because of this the idea that her master is Xal’atath is even more less likely. As Ansurek still has her uses, until we kill her anyway. So it looks like we have a third party involved. That wants to undermine Xal’atath but is also aligned with the void. However they are not friends with us. For the time being anyway.


The story mode version releases next week. That’s when we will likely get the quest to kill her


Thanks for explaining.

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Welcome. :blush:

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If you’re a SPriest she whispers you at end of the campaign saying;

Yes, bring your ‘allies’ to me, my blade. Drive them to the brink! For you have become the weapon that I now wield”.

So there might be something to that. Weaponizing the PCs was Arthas’s plan too but Xalatath might be smart enough to not make herself the bait for this maneuver.


So what I gather from what Xal just said: The Void basically follows Destiny 2’s Sword Logic.


Xal’atath: “Behold, my Spider army!”

The Alliance and Horde warmachine violently grind all the spiders into a frothy soup. Spider children cry in agony as their city is littered with bodies while Champions dig through the guts of their parents on every corner for loot.

Xal’atath: “Of course, that’s what I wanted. Stupid spiders really thought they had a chance! Ha ha ha! They deserved their fate”

PC Champion: Sits among the corpses while admiring their new sword.

Xal’atath: “Now behold, I’ve swindled the Emperor of these Arathi to attempt to make war upon—”

The Alliance and Horde champions slaughter the invading Arathi, and begin collecting their skulls as trophies.

Xal’atath: “Ahah-ha-ha. Yes, just as I planned. I’m going to have you continue to kill all the other great empires who could help you in the great battle to come!”

PC Champion: “Good, we win that one too.”

Xal’atath: “Oh so certain Champion? How will you do that without any allies?”

PC Champion: “Dunno. If we fight, we win. Always win.”

Xal’atath: “So what happens if I don’t… fight you?”

PC Champion: “No want fight? Give feet pics then.”

Xal’atath: “Too easy.”


I’m kind of hoping that we get to use her gloating against her.

Like at the very end she’s basically won, all she has to do is nothing and she wins. But she just has to come gloat and rub her “victory” in everyone’s face. Which gives us one last chance to stop her and sets off the final boss fight.


She played us like a damn fiddle!

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Xal is not as smart as she makes herself to be, if she was, she wouldn’t have been trapped in a blade. I think it will be a fitting end if we end up trapping her in her old blade again.


thinking like that is how we got to this place

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She can do it for like 25 gold apiece, a whole company of heroes cheaper than buying flasks

I have a hard time taking Xal’atath seriously with all those blatant foot shots. Why do foot lovers have to be so on the nose about it?

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While I enjoyed reading your post. I don’t understand half of it. Can you attempt to explain in terms that someone not as in tune with the lore can understand?

Reminds me of that Madonna song

Tell the rain not to drop, tell the wind not to blow

He is making stuff up, not of what he says is canon

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I just am a mad theorist grasping at whatever straws I can find in hoping to find the answers due to my lack of patience to wait for said answers to just come to me.

As for what straws I’m grasping at:

From the Whispers of Barrowknoll Cemetery(

“Embrace your fate. All will drown.”

Barrowknoll Cemetery is where Drust Death Magics run rampant. No Void Magic to be seen at all!

From N’Zoth’s Whispers in the Uu’nat Raid Encounter(

“She is not the last, but the first. Drown her and you will see.”

This is by a Void user yet considering the fact that Barrowknoll Cemetery had no connection to the Void and a lot of connection to Death Magic…

Necromancer Murlocs using Necromantic Green Death Magic can summon Orbs of the Drowned.

Like Barrowknoll Cemetery these Murlocs are aligned with Death Magic not Void Magic! points out there are Souls being drowned in the Military Ward/Dominance Keep which is the Ward belonging to the Stonewright AKA the Harvester of Wrath.

And not tied to drowning but instead to Sleep: mentions “Do you dream while you sleep or is it an escape from the horrors of reality?” mentions “I sleep… only to wake…” mentions “I only sleep.” while has the Heart of Y’Shaarj mention “You will die when you leave this place. There is nothing left of your world.” and “You can never leave this place. There is no way home.”

Xal’atath talks about how our glorious Fury will be hers in one of the Trailers( and makes mention of Wrath in the Cutscene where the Dark Heart is broken(

All straws that I desperately cling to out of an impatience to find a pattern where there might not be any!


You mean defeating the raid boss of the very first patch, a few weeks into the expansion, didn’t end the threat? I can’t expressed how shocked I am!