Theory: Xal'Atath is SO a Naaru

I am grasping at straws I noticed in game for my theories.

These are the straws that inspire the theory you are replying to.

I also noticed that Chronicle Vol. 4 said Xe’ra had a connection to Elune that allowed Elune’s Tear to work rather than what is said ingame(that she is descended from Elune). If my theory about Xal’atath being the Stonewright(who is a Night Warrior of Elune) and that all of WoW up to this point is a Dream caused by the Stonewright drowning us in Revendreth(and tricked by the previous Harvester of Wrath into drowning Tyrande under the false accusation that she is the World Soul the truth of which is discovered by the Winter Queen playing Vyranoth in Dragonflight) is correct then there is the possibility that she is infact Xe’ra.

And yes that means the Dream Sword of Sargeras was infact an attempt to injure her brethren with Shadow to devour them only for the plan to backfire when the energy was sent into her through Remornia weakening her Light enough that she had to consume Souls to stabilize making her Void Life Energies from her Night Warrior Phase more apparent.

Yes that means Midnight will take us directly into the Gardens of Life with our first locale being the Cosmic Realm of Life’s Void of Night rather than taking us to the Void of the Cosmic Realm of Shadow(which will remain out of reach as usual)!

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