Nerub-ar Palace Ending Cinematic

As directed by Quentin Tarantino apparently.

But what did ya’ll think? Nothing too surprising. Xally looks pretty unbothered by her defeat unlike the Heart of Darkness being damaged so presumably she has some other army of goons up her sleeve somewhere.


Xal’s voice acting is really strong here, imo. Just the right balance of menacing and conversational, without falling into the kind of hissing villain-voice.

Not much of a surprise that she wasn’t overly invested in Ansurek’s success… it would have been very, very strange if “Worldwide Spider Empire” was her actual endgame. She has to have more going on than that.


Very much Underwhelming. Not even the hint to the next patch.

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I liked what it showed us about Xal’atah.

For all that she claims to not care… she cared enough to come mock her underlings and rub their faces in their failures.

If she really, truly doesn’t care, she would’ve never shown up.

But no, she had to come to gloat.

Methinks this shows something really important about her character.


According to her blather at the end of the campaign, the defeat of the Nerubians was all part of the plan. It was the point of the plan. She baited us down there to butcher the nerubians to empower the black blood.

So what’s with the gloating over someone she set up specifically to be knocked down.


Xal’atath’s arrogance is being set up as a flaw.

And to be fair, that is the most common villain flaw in media, but it always works, it just makes satisfying to kick their butt.

Her confidence is what allowed Alleria to shoot the Dark Heart, and now she shows to be overconfident again.

Of course, she is smarter in the sense that she doesn’t underestimate the “adventurers” she is counting on our success, so I really want to see what she has in line to deal with us for real.


To fill her Blood with Wrath.

Just because the Dark Heart is broken does not mean she can’t continue to harvest Wrath. It still has Galakrond’s Hunger.

Xal’atath’s own Wrath at Alleria also served that purpose.

As for the next Patch: She currently needs something to increase Wrath. She has all the Wrath that Alleria and Ansurek could give, the Wrath over having her Dark Heart damaged and has the Wrath from the War against the Nerubians but it’s still not enough. She needs something to add more Wrath to the mix.

The Coreway is not likely to be opened up soon and logistically should be the End Game so that leaves the Tree whose roots are digging into Azj-Kahet.

What better way to anger the Tree’s masters than to have the Goblins desecrate it? The Datamining mentions a Goblin Raid after all.

Of course Xal’atath might be oblivious to a certain Prophecy:

“The vassal of life disguises treachery. Beware the eyes of green.” - Il’gynoth

If the Tree were infact Denathrius’s spy then Xal’atath is only adding fuel for her power. The First Harvester of Wrath will ditch the Tree after the Goblin Raid and invade the Core of Azeroth herself becoming the Big Bad and get her Wrath harvested by Xal’atath after she loses.

It gets more and more apparent as the expansion moves on. One of the Blizzard animators is gonna have her stepping on someone.


Who knew WoW would thrive because of feet… “lov3”

She was thrown away like trash and left to die. No wonder why Xal’atath is pure evil.

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Just realized a possibility concerning the Harvester of Wrath: Renethal’s Ward is the Ember Ward I.E. the Nathrezim’s Ward therefore Enemy Infiltration Preface could have been written by Renethal himself!

“She is not the last, but the first. Drown her and you will see.” - N’Zoth(during the Uu’nat Encounter)

How does the Stonewright harvest Wrath? By drowning everyone!

If she gains a huge amount of Wrath from War Within then Renethal(the owner of the Ember Ward and thus the one whom the Nathrezim would be receiving orders from at the time) will be able to prove the Stonewright’s identity to the Curator by drowning the Stonewright!

Also calling it: The Haranir are her children and since Il’gynoth resembles a Nathrezim and originated from a World Tree in Un’Goro Crater I suspect the Stonewright is G’Hanir the Mother Tree(and Il’gynoth is Elun’Ahir) which means her death at the hands of the Burning Legion is what made her appear to be a Soul that was uplifted to Venthyr-hood fooling the Curator.

Of course considering the Stonewright’s vast power and how Xavius almost merged the Nightmare with Azeroth and how Amirdrassil emerged into Azeroth I would expect the Stonewright to force the Military Ward into Azeroth in a fit of Wrath.

The Military Ward will become the Sunken City of prophecy. The Zone will have us go from Dream(Black Forest) to Reality(Sunken City of Sinners).

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someone wanted a new female domination character after sylvanas was gone


Eh Sylvanas was too sacrosanct for me to see her that way. But I was attracted to Xalatath back in Legion when she was still baeblade.

Sure she seems to discard allies and even the concept of nations and eons themselves with callous indifference. But we had something special.


She always comes back to us to deal with her dirty work even going back to the past!

We have something special I suppose.

Hopefully. :robot::sweat_drops:

presumably she has some other army of goons up her sleeve somewhere

It’s us. We’re the army of henchmen. We’re “the strongest”. Knaifu can just lure us to whatever it is she needs destroyed. Option to side with Xal’atath when?


:joy: :joy: :joy:
Honestly it’s quite a smart idea with such tactics, because it becomes a meme & people talk about it; making it rise in attention. lol

People forget but Warcraft meme stuff, whether it was from the good, the bad and the questionable — Use to be their bread & butter in rising their popularity status :yum:

Personally I think it’s actually refreshing to see a menacing force to actually care about their subjects or underlings & have emotions more than mere hubris towards them. :dracthyr_nod:

Say what you will about Dragonflight – but I found the Primalists in the Vault raid, Raszageth and especially Iridikron to be great villains for that.

  • You get Raszageth infuriated about what was done to her and the goal was to free her kin, the subjects being a means to an end – Yet as we saw in the Primalist future, even beyond such.
  • You have the Primalists having emotions to their party and feeling broken when they die, as seen with Dathea when her brother dies, thus seeking empowerment and revenge.
  • Then you have Iridikron who is tactical and pressing to do whatever’s necessary in pursuing the titans and bringing about retribution upon them for what they did to the denizens of Azeroth beyond defeating the Black Empire.

Having the cheesy villains who talk crap all the time, with little care to others and full of self-importance are rather boring – which is partial to major reason why I believe the Jailor was a failure as a villain (amongst many other reasons).

So yeah, so far I’m rather enjoying Xal’atath.
Sure she has prideful arrogance, but there’s at least more layers beyond that.


Do you think dumb daughter deserve sympathy or help after stabbing her mother, then forcing mutation upon her??

? ? ?


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True. After what she did. Yea.