Those are Blizzcon players in the video, literally the best of the best. You think they misplayed? Get a life.
Echoing Resolve would like to have a word with you.
Caster don’t even have to fake cast or “juke” anymore. Just send spells and gain immunity to CC and follow up kicks. It’s awful for the game.
Also no class should be able to one shot you, ever.
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So you get stunned, and this trinket then makes you immune to all CC for 15 seconds or just the next CC?
MM hunter would like to have a word with you.
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Your immune to every other CC / kick. Effectively this removes half of a melee players kit which is designed around casters having spammable CC that we need to be able to stop.
Ranged magical damage and spammable CC is what makes most casters balanced around being squishier when connected to. When you remove that threat then the caster is just blantantly overpowered.
One trinket should not remove half of another players ability to stop them.
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I mean originally big fat bear would do more damage than some hunter with a bow or a warrior with a sword or paladin with mace lol…
Bears weight as much as 700+ LBS are you telling me that you can do more damage to anything or anyone than a bear ?
If there really was a no counterplay 1shot, you would see more than 13 demo locks over 2.4k in 3s, and there would be 1 in the top ten.
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I don’t expect you to understand PvP with your 1750xp. It’s pretty obvious you aren’t well versed on the subject.
Demo is generally a less popular spec so their ladder representation will be lower, but this week with double legendaries they went from being seen here and there to a GIANT amount of what is queuing on the ladder right now.
Regardless of how many people are playing Demo… doesn’t mean it acceptable to have an instant cast ability that can kill you from 100% hp to 0 with one button press. Yeah I’ll just go ahead and kick the instant cast
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Sorry best we can do is “All damage increased by 3%” and increase mob damage from 5 to 8 targets before decrease in damage haha!
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Depending on how hard they nerf the “overperforming” specs, (as they promised) this might be enough.
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I’m a stupid DH who dashes off encounter platforms.
Nerf Arms Warrior. I like it when my spec is in the dumpster because then no one plays it and it’s easier to parse good on logs.
Yes let’s nerf bear tanks who pop cool downs and do 17k compared to the 35k dps I see several dps classes doing.
Yes , 17k dps with a 4 piece, double leggo and huge aoe pack pulls is so OP.
Despite the fact the same druid is probably doing like 3k single target.
I wish down voting existed.
No more nerfing. Buff underperforming classes.
And you know what? The meta right now is fine. Rogue utility could be tuned down for next expansion. But something other than mages being meta is good for teh game if anything. Screw mages.
I’ve noticed quite a lot of warlocks in my dungeons recently as well. The fotm rollers are just about everywhere now.
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Nobody wants to spend the time to get good at a spec anymore. They just want to immediately switch to whatever the masses feel is best at the moment.
It’s sad really.
FOTM in classes, and specs was always a thing ever since the beginning of this game, just saying.
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Not if they do the right thing and release catalyst on Tuesday.
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20% is too much of a handicap to overcome with skill.
And nobody wants to get good at playing around a spec, they just want it nerfed.
I would say my 600+ games of 3v3’s played this season between my two chars is more then enough time to “learn to play” around the broken specs.
Sometimes things are just inevitably overtuned and warrant a nerf. Why do t you step into a 3s match instead of wallowing in low rated 2s. See what it feels like for a healer to try to keep up with two overtuned dps.