Nerfs Ahoy!

Yes, I do blood for like Torghast and oh god I feel invincible.


My guess for nerfs is:

Demonology (which is sad because demo has historically been the worst of the 3 warlock specs).

Prot Paladin

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I also suffer from ‘I got really good at a bad spec and now do decent damage’. Now we get to do more damage which is fun! Ride the more dps friend!

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Is bm hunter decent now? How yall feel

Wait and see.

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How much more wrong can you both be?


Can you link the Warcraft log site directly instead of an image so we can look at what the graph is about?

It’s average performance metrics for the current tier.

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More specific than that.

All bosses?

Heroic? Mythic?

What percentile?

Boss damage or total damage?


Just give the link to WCL itself not a photo.

My take so far is all of the lower specs also have really good performing other specs for the same class which adds a level of selection bias (better players tend to play the strongest spec, which leads to better parses, etc.)

The 3 classes with a single dps spec (WW, Ret, shadow) all right in the middle.


His MO seems to be just give us an arbitrary loss of precision until it says what he wants it to say.

we also had a tier that looked like this, and no nerfs happened until it was over:

nothing is going to happen to the top 10% mythic raid meta classes until the race is over.

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Feel free to read above and gather your own data. But demo is going to get nerfed whether you like it or not, over-performing in both PvE and PvP

Your MO seems to be having bad opinions lol.

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This data set has like 2 parses or less on half the the bosses.

Demo probably will get touched, but using 95% mythic raid all bosses when only 16 guilds in the world are past boss 7 and only 5 past boss 8 (most don’t even log) isn’t a very critical statistical analysis.


Feel free to select the drop down to change it from mythic, heroic, normal. Demo is at the top of all 3

That’s the full overall data available for dps on Warcraft logs atm. During race to world first mythic players won’t upload them right away to keep their strategy secret from other guilds.

Everything you want for heroic / normal is likely there already


It’s still top, but not by as big a margin. there must always be 1 spec that does the best in the raid. The top end for Demo is also skewed because of how good that spec is for PI, and with holy priest being good again, They are often getting PI for every other tyrant.

Again: I’m not saying that demo isn’t currently very strong, I just don’t think its too far out of line that it needs a mid-tier nerf.


You wanted access to all the data, change the mode to heroic or normal if you want. Overall every mode Demo is near top dog, while BM is the bottom.

The available data supports my claim. It’s not my fault if the data is “lacking” this early into the tier according to your arbitrary standards.

I don’t mind if it stays strong in PvE, I just want the one-shot Demonbolts that are hitting for 60-80k in PvP to get tuned.

I expect demo to be touched slightly, that’s probably about it for dps.

The gaps just aren’t really that big, and a lot of the lower performing specs just got buffed. And there is some hefty selection bias that makes the gap appear larger than it is.

My guess is prot paladins also get nerfed and that may be it for PvE.

The reason data sets are important is trying to use percentiles and statistics with barely any data tends itself to very large standard deviations.

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Totally fine. I don’t want it nerfed in PvE, look at the Twitter video I just linked above.

That setup takes all of 12 seconds to do in PvP. There’s zero counter play with Echoing Resolve trinket existing. Basically you sit at a pillar and run in circles until incredibly high dampening and hope you one shot the warlock first.

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I mean, when you let the warlock freecast long enough to get that many pets out, what did you expect to happen?


Because hitting someone with 2 CCs in 12 seconds is hard…

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