Nerfing hunter for the 100 time without compensation, and still not fixing any bug, bad design

Give up frost trap immobilize and we might give hunters something 25% is broken af

Melee hunter already did this.

And thats who the nerf targeted.

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Munter was top dps all the way up to 99th percentile.
Not that I don’t agree that the other overperformers need to be nerfed as well, although if they do implement rage normalisation in P4 that will be one addressed.

Either way though, Munter is still performing great so what is the issue? They only drop from 2nd best performing dps at 90th percentile, and even then they hold 4th best by a significant margin of ~7%.

Most other classes would give up their family to perform that well.

I have been running SV spec since phase 3 in hopes it gets turned into a tank spec. Maybe some kind of gorilla rune that does similar stat changes for bear tank or rogue tank.

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If they wanted Hunter to tank, they’d have done so with the Lone Wolf rune in Phase 1. It’s the most obvious, slam dunk, ez W, design decision they could have made but as historical data has shown, Blizzard changes Hunter by throwing darts at a board full of bad ideas from people who never played the class.

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Hunters are doing 15% more damage than any other class, but you say “no apparent reason” lol. Delusional.

Behind warriors, neck and neck with rogue.

But hey, you claim what you want i guess.

Also 3 posts from you, so hello sock puppet.

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I mean melee hunter is still #1, not sure what we are even talking about.

Sure rogue is 2nd but rogue also provides 0 utility.

Sort by 1 week data as 2 weeks still has some data from before the nerf

Rogue and hunter are even at 25th percent. And after that rogues win all the way up.

And at max, melee hunter is 4th

They bring a kick, the best armor shred in the game, and other strong debuffs. Melee hunter doesn’t even have a kick.


Alliance won AV so much in classic, Blizzard put in the limit on group ques. Then we formed those multi server discords for Alliance. They tried to stop that but we had a system that would still get 20-30 coordinated players in AV.

Yeah so many Alliance that would have loved to go to AV have already left. So it should be a no contest. Too many hard core Alliance pvpers have moved on. Or created a 2nd battlenet and are rolling shamans. Pretty easy to do now. Basically you can be fully capped in everything in 30 days or less now.

Rogues aren’t really using IMP EA yet and most classes bring a kick lmfao.

You bring kings to horde side, and ranged beings true shot aura.

No they didn’t they won at the start not at the middle and end once horde realized how to abuse their cave res.

I dont normally read the forums, i especially dont post on them… ever, but when the top dps gets nerfed then whines about it, well i cant just sit by and not comment. Also, what metric is that? I dont have 2k post so my opinion doesnt matter? Strange.

Except melee hunter wasnt the top. Top dps before the nerf was warrior then hunter=rogue with how close the 2 were (and rogue would have passed hunter after another week or two due to scaling)

Typically a sock puppet character goes into a forum and says their view, and its just an alt character of someone making it appear there is more support for something (or against) than there actually is. While you might not be a sock puppet character, its hard to tell considering how few total posts you have.


Ahh yeah i cant figure out how to change the character to my sod character. Lol but if you look at dps rankings for warcraft logs, melee hunter has been top dps since phase 3 started and warriors are only just now closing the gap. At least from the rankings ive seen in warcraftlogs

Warriors and rogues were passing hunters before the nerf (warrior had already done so, rogue was 1 or 2 weeks of gear scaling away from passing as it was barely behind hunter). So either warriors and rogues need a nerf still (as they have now passed where hunter was with gear scaling), or hunters got nerfed without proper cause.

Which do you believe it true?

Not like fire, destro and a multitude of other specs have any less of a braindead rotation, so not clear how melee hunter is special in this category. Ya’ll are whacky as.

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I don’t understand the 10% damage nerf to Pets. They weren’t even op


So clearly you don’t know it. You are missing keeping track of Focus Fire stacks, keeping track of different trinkets and equipment CDs so you faint death to swap between them, keeping track of distance, keeping track of your pet, keeping track of your auto shot timer to not clip your abilities on auto shots.

Also one thing you are gently ignoring is that MM rotation is the only spec that actually requires you to manually aim and anticipate boss movements as part of our main rotation. And this is because of the traps, you miss aim or the tank is moving the boss in a weird way and bye bye LoL proc, and yes, you move because the boss too far / too close or danger and bye bye sniper training too. Oh and spoiler alert, traps have less range than your shots, fun.

And this is JUST for DPS, then put on top add management, the fact that a lot of your fellow ranged are unware of your distance sweet spot when you need to stack with them, and this is getting super complicated.

Meanwhile, Marksman hunters are being buffed to the hilt!!! A clear sign that Blizzard devs do not play their game.