Guess I hadnt heard that there was a speed and stun bug happening, any further info on it?
The big 9.1 glitch with swapping pets in fights was so screwy that hard to believe it was intentional. Easy for unintended things to happen when making programming changes to a system as complicated as WoW has become. Annoying that Blizzard took two weeks to fix it though.
BTW, The 7 month old post that you quoted from someone having trouble with Darkmoon Faire pet battles seemed to be result of the well publicized nerf to Stampede-like pet abilities. Other players at Faire who were using different strategies noticed no change at all with teams they’d been using for years.
Oops, I didn’t think I was necroing an old thread. I’ll pay more attention.
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Honestly, I don’t see a problem with necro threads in the Pet Battle Forum. It’s not like resurrecting a conversation from last year in General Discussion.
Pet Battling is largely the same today as it has been from day one, so there is no reason not to look at older posts in this forum and continue discussions from a while ago. That’s just my two cents.
The only issue you’ll ever run into is battle strategies that no longer work because of nerfs or changes to abilities…and that happens from time to time. But again, how would a new pet battler know that without looking at older threads?
Karloff was not, I think, scolding you for the necro, but just trying to explain why the quoted thread was not part of the 9.1 bugs. And it’s good information that people need if they were unaware of it.
A LOT of posted battle strategies were made before the huge nerf to Black Claw/Hunting Party/Stampede combinations, so it’s a good thing for new folks to learn so they don’t end up bashing their heads against a wall wondering why it’s not working for them.
I keep thinking about this, while true & I do not disagree, I was recently advised by a long time player I much respect to keep using the pve battles to “hone” my skills so I have set aside “Xu-Fu’s” exceptional web site pve strategies to try to “go it alone” . . . well, for the first 10 times
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Which one were you stuck on?
Wow. Surprised about volume of this discussion. Pet battles are not meant to be mindless. They are supposed to encourage you to collect more pets and develop new strategies. There are no trainers that are “impossible”.
NPC pet trainers have two huge disadvantages:
- They always have the same pets
- Their moves are usually sequential (predictable)
Players only have the disadvantage that our pets are usually weaker (stat-wise). So we have to out-think the moveset.
I am always thinking of new strategies and new teams to counter NPCs. It’s fun. I love pet battling. If you find the trainers frustrating and don’t change your strategy or try new pets, then the other world quests are probably more your game. Some world quests I just can’t stand. They aren’t my bag. Like the flying ones with the hoops. Man. I hate those ones. Play what you like. Pet battling is fun if you expand your stable and your strategy.
Oh, and for all those complaining about Rotgut, the one from Maldraxxus, I posted a strat I developed on Wowhead (probably about a month ago) that will make that frustration disappear like Dreadful Breath after three rounds. (You get it).
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Counter only is to have/buy more pets, which sucks and is poor design for anyone trying to get into them.
I think it depends on where you’re trying to get in at/what you’re trying to do. If someone is trying to jump straight in Shadowlands Family Familiar of a roster of like 100 pets, then yeah. If you think of progression in terms of expansions it’s more gradual. Most people just really don’t want to take the time to learn about pet battles enough to do the pet battles. Sometimes that’s fine, sometimes it doesn’t work out.
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Cause none of it is really explained in game and you can’t really just go get thousands of pets
I agree! Blizzard’s approach to pet battles, which it proudly touts as an evergreen system, is apathetic at best, neglectful at worst in some cases. I have shouted suggestions and observations from various rooftops for a while, and they don’t want to engage/acknowledge the community. That attitude is why I unsubbed I absolutely love this aspect of the game, and it’s literally the only thing keeping me logging in. WoW is the only game I’ve played for any length of time for ~ 19 years, and this is what killed it for me.
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This is true, at least not quickly.
However, you don’t need thousands.
You can complete every pet battle and achievement in the game - except for the Family achievements, ofc - with about 50 pets. If they’re the right ones.
This is an excellent list of the most important pet for progress